Sabtu, 20 September 2014

15 Minute Meditation Can Make More Healthy Heart

Did You Know That The 15 Minute Meditation, Can Make Your Heart Healthier

One great if you think meditation is an activity that a waste of time and useless. A recent study published the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine indicated that regular meditation can improve health care quality by warping lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially among adolescents most at risk.

The study involves dozens of black teenagers who have high blood pressure proves that meditation significantly help improve health conditions. Those who meditate twice a day for 15 minutes is likely to have left ventricular mass (LV mass) was lower. In the medical world, an increase in LV mass is known as one indicator of future cardiovascular disease.

Half of the adolescents were trained in transcendental meditation and asked to meditate for 15 minutes in the classroom and 15 minutes at home for a period of four months. While other participants were only given education on how to reduce the health problems of blood pressure (hypertension) and risk of cardiovascular disease, but not with the practice of meditation.

LV mass was measured by means of two-dimensional echocardiogram before and after the study. Group of teenagers who meditated showed a significant reduction in LV mass.

"The increase in mass of the left ventricle of the heart muscle usually caused by the extra workload on the heart with high blood pressure. Some teenagers already have a higher left ventricular mass due to increased blood pressure, this condition will continue to carry into adulthood," said Dr. Vernon Barnes, of the Medical College of Georgia and the Georgia Health Sciences University Institute of Public and Preventive Health.

During meditation, the participants over the rest, the sympathetic nervous system activity is reduced and the body releases stress hormones less than usual. "As a result, blood vessels relax, reducing blood pressure and heart work less," he said.

In fact, says Barnes, school records showed improved behavior among adolescents who meditate. "Transcendental meditation is much deeper than the rest of the body to sleep," said Barnes.

"Statistics show that one out of every 10 black teenagers have high blood pressure. If practiced from time to time, meditation can reduce the risk of these adolescents develop heart disease as are other additional health benefits," he said.

Sources : Asian News Internationa

Jumat, 19 September 2014

What Garlic Can Do For Your Health


Garlic, bulb-bearing perennial plant, Allium sativum Liliaceae, native to southern Europe, and widely cultivated in many parts of the world. Garlic plants, which are closely related to the onion, grow to a height of up 1 to 2 ft., and have very narrow, sword shaped leaves.

Ancient Traditions History

The earliest references of garlic as medicinal and culinary plant are found on Sumerian clay tablets (2600–2100 BC.). The use of garlic as medication for Egyptians, was listed in the Codex Ebers (1550 BC).

Ancient Chinese medication used garlic to help respiration, digestion, diarrhea and worm infestation. Ancient medical traditions in India (Tibbi, Unani and Auryveda), had made extensive use of garlic as a central part of the healing efficacy of plants.

Charaka-Samhita, an Indian ancient medical text, recommends garlic to treat heart disease and arthritis. While another ancient Indian medical textbook, Bower Manuscript (300), garlic was used for fatigue, parasitic disease, digestive disorder and leprosy.

Anti-Bacterial and Antiseptic

Louis Pasteur was the first who reported the antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic. Albert Schweitzer then used this concept to treat dysentery in Africa with garlic. Pietro Mattiali, 16th century physician from Siena, prescribed garlic for digestive disorders, worms infestation, renal disorders, and also to help mother during difficult childbirth.

In England, garlic was used for toothache, constipation, dropsy and plague. Garlic was used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II.

In an uncontrolled study in China, garlic has been used reasonably successfully in AIDS patients to treat Cryptosporidium, a protozoan that can cause gastro-intestinal illness with diarrhea in humans. Cryptosporidium is the organism most commonly isolated in HIV positive patients presenting with diarrhea. It has also been used by at least one AIDS patient to treat toxoplasmosis, another protozoal disease.

Stamina Booster

Ancient Chinese medicine used combinations of herbs to form a healing tonic. Garlic was used to treat fatigue, headache, insomnia, and improve male potency.

During the 1st Olympics in Greece, garlic was used by many athletes for increasing stamina. In 2007, the BBC reported that garlic may have other beneficial properties, such as preventing and fighting the common cold.

My friend had known this kind of information, 7 years before. In 2000, I was having an outbond (student camp) to train new college students. My friend used garlic to fight cold weather, when we were at Cuban Rondo, Batu, East Java. How? He directly ate it, just like eating an apple.

Anti Cancer Effects

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used garlic to treat cervical cancer. Various studies did show the ability of garlic in prevent and treat cancers, mainly caused by the material-hazardous chemicals, such as prostate cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, and lung cancer.

In China, garlic was also shown to reduce the risk of esophageal and stomach cancers by 70%. The effectiveness of garlic against cancers due to the presence of allyl sulfur components. The main property of garlic for therapeutic effects is as an effective antioxidant against oxidative damage in cardiovascular diseases.

Garlic is also commonly used as an alternative medication by most diabetic patients, because it can improve hyperglycemia in diabetic patients. The antihyperglycemic effect of garlic has been reported in several studies. Regular and prolonged use of garlic on therapeutic amounts, has been shown to prevent some complications of diabetes mellitus. Although, the information about the effects of garlic on the diabetic heart is very limited.

Pros and Cons

The effectiveness of garlic in cardiovascular diseases was prompted many scientists to conduct experimental studies, but many negative studies also have cast doubt on the efficary of garlic, especially its cholesterol lowering effect of garlic. Clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US, in 2007, had found that the consumption of garlic in any form, did not reduce blood cholesterol levels, in patients with moderately high baseline cholesterol levels.

A 2012 report in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, concludes that:

There is insufficient clinical trial evidence regarding the effects of garlic in preventing or treating the common cold. A single trial suggested that garlic may prevent occurrences of the common cold but more studies are needed to validate this finding. Claims of effectiveness appear to rely largely on poor-quality evidence.

Lipid Lowering Effect

Since 1975 there have been more than 46 (from medline search) human studies on lipid-lowering effects of garlic and garlic preparations. The studies were mostly randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled using garlic powder rather than raw garlic, in hyperlipidemic patients for 4–16 weeks. Most studies showed significant decrease in serum cholesterol and serum triglyceride.

Only about one-third of the studies measured lipoproteins, where significant favorable changes in LDL-cholesterol level (11–26% decrease) were consistently observed. A few studies using garlic powder (having low allicin yields) failed to show any lipid lowering effects.

During the last one decade (1993–2002), 18 clinical studies have been published regarding the hypolipedemic effect of garlic. Nine studies showed negative results and garlic powder was used in seven of these studies.

Different composition and quantity of sulfur components, from different garlic preparations, that used in various studies, might result to the inconsistent findings. So, in order to meet valid conclusion, it might need for standardization of different garlic preparations. It also include the subject recruitment, duration of study, dietary control, lifestyle and methods of lipid analyses.

How To Gain Maximum Benefit From Garlic

Be aware on processing garlic! It can turn off its anticancer power agents. When garlic is processed, or heated one minute in microwave, the efficacy of garlic as anticancer will be gone. So what then? Should it be swallowed raw?

Its simple. Destroy garlic (chopped, crushed, or thinly sliced) then let it stand for 15 minutes before cooking (used as seasoning). In 15 minutes, chemical reaction occurs, in which activates allinase enzyme, present in garlic. If you want, you may also consume raw garlic, but still it must be first crushed and left for 15 minutes.

Negative Side Effects

Dont think that the more you are consuming garlic, the better the results. The recommended dose for consumption garlic is 4-5 grams of garlic/ day (about 1-2 cloves). If too much, it will cause bad breath (garlic breath) and skin.

Sometimes is also causing allergies, digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, excessive gas production), bronchial asthma, dermatitis, reducing levels of protein and calcium in the blood. Too much garlic will also reduce sperm production, increasing the risk of bleeding, due to its ability to prevent blood clotting.

Therefore, the person who is going to have a surgery, or has recently undergone surgery, having pregnancy, and after childbirth surgery, garlic consumption should be limited, although culinary quantities are safe for consumption. Because garlic able to improve the work of enzymes in the liver, to remove toxins from the body. This capability is very useful for you to be more healthier. But it can also get rid of chemotherapeutic drugs in the body, or drug-medication that you had swallowed.

So, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic, or you might want to use the product supplement based on garlic, you must consult your doctor first!

References :


Bagaimana Bawang Putih Melawan Kanker? (Bahasa Indonesia)

The American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Historical Perspective on the Use of Garlic

Nutrition Journal
Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders: a review

National Institutes of Health

  • Garlic Constituent Diallyl Trisulfide Prevents Development of Poorly-Differentiated Prostate Cancer and Pulmonary Metastasis Multiplicity in TRAMP Mice
  • Freshly Crushed Garlic is a Superior Cardioprotective Agent than Processed Garlic
  • Garlic Oil Alleviates MAPKs- and IL-6-mediated Diabetes-related Cardiac Hypertrophy in STZ-induced DM Rats

Million benefit from Marita red fruit

Juice fruit diet recipes lime pineapple cucumber
Benefits of Red Fruit to weaken the AIDS virus
Red fruit containing tocopherol and beta-carotene are very high that function as antioxidants and can improve the immune system. With the combination between tocopherol and beta-carotene would destroy the amino acids needed by the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, the virus dies.

Benefits of Red Fruit healing for Cancer and Tumor
Causes of cancer and tumors arise because hormones in the body that causes the growth of meat in the normal tissues. With the content of 11,000 ppm and 7,000 ppm tocopherol beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant and boosts the immune system and prevent the propagation of cancer cells.

Benefits of Red Fruit for healing. Blood Pressure and Stroke
For the cause of stroke is a blood clot and the narrowing of blood vessels. One of the triggers of this disease is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is itself the cause of the heart that pumps the blood too fast, so the lack of oxygen or oxygen blood is too thick. With the tocopherol content of the red fruit can thin the blood as well as improving blood circulation, so that the oxygen content of the blood is normal.
Benefits of Red Fruit for healing Gout
Causes of gout because tergangunya liver function, so that the liver produces excess uric acid. Cause uric acid deposited in the kidneys to stone and brought to the ends of the fingers and toes and collect there. Tokoperol in blood red fruit and improve the work system lever after lever system work better will memperoduksi uric acid levels were normal.

Benefits of Red Fruit for healing diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
The cause of this disease by the pancreas gland is unable to produce insulin in sufficient quantities. consequently increases the sugar content in the blood. Pancreatic tokoperol be repaired if found in red fruit, so it will be back to normal pancreas.

Benefits of Red Fruit for pregnancy
The content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 are contained in red juice will stimulate the brain and improve intelligence. It is therefore very suitable for red fruit consumed by children and pregnant women.

Benefits of Red Fruit to increase fertility. and male urges
Vitamin E in the red fruit will help children improve sperm production, but it red fruits containing high energy, which is 360 calories. red fruit extract red fruit oil red fruit recipe

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Simfoni Luar Biasa A Special Symphony A Film by Awi Suryadi

Simfoni Luar Biasa

Simfoni Luar Biasa, in which titled when played in Philippines as A Special Symphony, was a film that used 3 languages, Bahasa Indonesia, English and Tagalog (Philippines). A story about singer who gets life lessons from the children with special need. The singer was played brilliantly by famous Philippines singer, Christian Bautista.

The film was released in Indonesia, at September 29, 2011, while in Philippines was already released first at August 3, 2011. The story begins when Jayden (Christian Bautista), a musician, who is still struggled in the music industry, is trying to reach his goal to become a star. One night in Manila City, Philippines, had changed Jaydens life, becoming a broken man, with no money at all.

The funny thing is, he manages to fly to Jakarta, Indonesia to visit his mother, Marlina (Ira Wibowo), who had been separated. The meeting with Mrs. Rinjani (Ira Maya Sopha), the principal of school for children with special need, had made him becoming a new music teacher.

The video about the students choir which uploaded on youtube, had made the school gets an invitation to go to Students Choir Competition. My favorite scene is when Jayden gets mad to his students brother when he picked up him. Idiot! Get yourself into the car!, said his students brother. Dont you ever said that again! Ever!, said Jayden angrily.

But the boys parent is not happy with Jayden. They both then meet the principal, and ask Mrs. Rinjani to fired Jayden, or they will move their child to another school. Thats not our way to yell to our child like the way you did, said the mother. Children! You have 2 children, and not just one. Your son has very amazing voice. You should see his performance! Its too bad to not let him sing at the competition. Itll break his heart, said Jayden.

So what then? Will Jayden leave the school or not? You should see this film! This film had made my eyes is like a broken glass, but not dropped into tears.

Image from Wikimedia.

Source: RCTI, Friday, July 6, 2012, 5 pm (UTC+7).

Papaya Nutrition Various Health Benefits

Nutrition in papaya is proven to improve the health of the heart (cardiovascular) to prevent cancer and many other health benefits. Papaya is rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Other nutrients contained in the fruit called latin Carica Papaya, such as antioxidants like beta carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin B complex, flavonoids, folate and pantothenic acid.

Papaya also contains many minerals, potassium, magnesium, and fiber. These nutrients makes papaya is very beneficial to health. A high concentration of carotenoids (provitamin A), vitamin C, and E in papayas, acts as an antioxidant in the body. These compounds are able to get rid of the cancer-causing free radicals. Antioxidants are also useful to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that is often attached to the walls of arteries, causing hypertension.

Papaya Health Benefits

  1. Keeping the Immune System: 
    Since papaya is rich in vitamins A and C, and therefore the papaya fruit is very good to eat in order to keep your immune system functioning properly.

  2. Fight Heart Disease: 
    Nutrition in papaya helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in your body. This is important because when cholesterol becomes oxidized to stick to the walls of your blood vessels, causing plaque that can cause heart attacks and strokes.

  3. Improving digestion: 
    Papaya leaves is also good for the gut and prevent digestive disorders, namely because of the efficacy of antibiotic compounds in papaya karpain. The trick, papaya leaves can be processed into food to taste and then consumed.

  4. Papaya as Antioxidants: 
    Antioxidants contained in papaya is especially Vitamin C helps protect skin from damage caused by excessive sunlight. Papaya juice is helpful to reduce brown spots due to exposure to sunlight for too long.

  5. Slimming Body: 
    Papaya fruit has properties attenuate body. With regular papaya consumption, can produce two times more enzymes than the ripe papaya. Well, these enzymes act as decomposers of fat in our bodies. These enzymes also break down proteins better and eliminate excess flesh.

  6. Increase appetite: 
    Behind the bitter tastes, papaya leaves has benefits for improving appetite.

  7. As an acne cure: 
    Mask of papaya leaves can be used to treat acne on the face, so to maintain the beauty and health of skin.

There are still many more papaya health benefits, for detail papaya nutrition, you can read at nutrition facts below.

Papaya Nutrition Facts

Energy : 43 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 10.82 g 
Protein : 0.47 g 
Total Fat : 0.26 g 
Dietary Fiber : 1.70 g 
Total sugars : 7.82 g
Water : 88.06

  • Folates : 37 µg 
  • Niacin : 0.357 mg 
  • Riboflavin : 0.027 mg 
  • Thiamin : 0.023 mg 
  • Vitamin A : 1094 IU 
  • Vitamin B6 : 0.038 mg
  • Vitamin C : 60.9 mg 
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.30 mg 
  • Vitamin K : 2.6 µg 
  • Calcium : 20 mg 
  • Iron : 0.25 mg 
  • Magnesium : 21 mg 
  • Phosphorus : 10 mg 
  • Zinc : 0.08 mg 
  • Potassium : 182 mg
  • Sodium : 8 mg
  • Carotene-ß : 276 µg 
  • Crypto-xanthin-ß : 761 µg 
  • Lutein-zeaxanthin : 75 µg
  • Saturated fatty acids : 0.081 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.072 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.058 g
  • Cholesterol : 0

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Soursop miracle fruit slow the growth of cancer cells

soursop juice

miracle fruit are very nutritious for health, including:
- Can effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas
- Power of 10 thousand times more powerful than slow the growth of cancer cells with drugs (andriamicin) or chemo therapy

- Soursop juice selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and not harm the on / off healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy treatment deadly evil and gels healthy cells (eg cause hair loss)
- Increases energy, immune system, prevent infection

This Trigger Hair Loss Myths myth

Women will do anything to preserve the beauty of the crown hair. Understandably, hair is one of the elements of beauty of the female body. But how many of us, women, who have been free of all the myths about hair loss?

Eighty percent of cases of hair loss is not broken, but not because of the hair roots strong. Its a myth or fact? The answer is, FACT, and the percentage that is the result of tests carried out in England in 2008.

Not only that, most of the hair care products that claim to deal with hair loss can only handle the actual loss due to hair breakage, not because the roots of the hair is not strong. This means that beredaran products on the market are often the solution is not appropriate for the problem of hair loss.

Next fact is a survey conducted by Edelman IndoPacific in 10 cities across Indonesia. The survey revealed 70 percent of Indonesian women experiencing hair loss. If seen from the variation of age, female hair loss can be experienced at any age, ranging from 16 years to 45 years and over.

But do not be afraid to read the facts. As it turns out, the stress it triggers hair loss. Once acquainted with the causes of hair loss from proven facts, we must also know what myths can trigger our fear of hair loss. Because believe the myth it would trap us in the problem of hair loss is more severe.

Sunlight can cause hair loss
This is clearly a myth! Because sunlight is limited to the surface of the hair only, while hair loss occurs because the hair follicles are fragile.

Showering can cause hair loss
Until now there has been no survey or scientific research that supports the statement. Its lay language, the statement is a myth. Its when we wash with shower scalp will be healthier because shampoo can be cleaned without harming folikelnya.

Massaging the scalp for 15 minutes or 20-100 times the hair comb can stimulate hair growth
The fact is, the follicles under the skin is not sensitive to physical stimulation. In fact, the massage that causes friction between the hair and then make hair break. So, be careful when massaging the scalp because it may be our hair "pain" and loss due to fracture.

Dandruff causes hair loss
Although dandruff and hair loss often occur simultaneously, the fact that there is no relationship between the two. Actually what happens is the itching caused from dandruff makes us scratching our heads and rub against each other so the hair brittle and fall out. This is then believed by many as dandruff cause hair loss.

After freeing himself from the myths of hair loss, it is understood dong, how to maintain the beauty of our hair crown. Make sure we always choose hair care products that really strengthen and nourish the hair roots. When the hair follicles healthy and strong then we can boldly say, no more hair fall!

Source of article: and editorial

Selasa, 16 September 2014

five fruits contaminated with pesticide

Many processed foods began to be avoided in some people. Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables began to be propagated. Fruits that are considered good for health pesticides were easily contaminated. Karenaya need to be vigilant.

Pests on fruit crops is always interfere with the growth of fruit. Pesticides or pesticides are often sprayed on crops to kill pests. Because of this pesticide can be attached to the fruit. If not washed before eating, can be harmful to health.

These fruits are much polluted by pesticides:

1. Apple
The fruit is the most contaminated pesticide. According to the results of pesticide testing, about 98 percent of pesticides attached to this fruit.

2. Strawberry
Sour taste of fresh fruit is indeed good for health. However, this fruit contains 13 kinds of pesticides were detected.

3. wine
After testing, the fruit is contaminated by 15 types of pesticides. Should wash thoroughly before eating.

4. Peach
Fruit from China is often called a peach. Although it contains many nutrients, the fruit is also contaminated with pesticides.

5. Blueberry
Fruit is still rarely encountered this taste a bit sour and often used as a salad topping or ice cream. Based on the results of testing a sample of blueberries contains 13 different types of pesticides.

Senin, 15 September 2014

Strawberry Nutrition Health Benefits As Antioxidants Fruit

As one of fruits that has antioxidants properties, strawberry nutrition also has so many health benefits for our body. Dont get interested with its tempting colors, but you should really know why you recommended to consume the fruit that commonly known as garden strawberry. Some people experience an anaphylactoid reaction to the consumption of strawberries. The most common form of this reaction is oral allergy syndrome, but symptoms may also mimic hay fever or include dermatitis or hives, and, in severe cases, may cause breathing problems.

Strawberry contain vitamin C more than an apple, its also contain the other vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, K, folates, riboflavin, Pantothenic acid and more. The other strawberry nutrition are minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc also contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. 

Before you read strawberry health benefits, it would be better that you also read strawberry nutrition facts below.

Strawberry nutrition facts

The Romans classified strawberry as a medicines plant, because it is rich in vitamin C, folate and potassium sources. Like the other berries, strawberries also contain phytochemicals, which serves as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals, thereby preventing the onset of disease and delay the aging process.

Strawberries nutritional value per 100 g
Source: USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 32 Kcal 
 Carbohydrates : 7.68 g 
 Protein : 0.67 g 
 Total Fat : 0.30 g 
 Dietary Fiber : 2 g 
Water : 90.95 g 
 Total sugar : 4.89 g 

 Folates : 24 µg 
 Niacin : 0.386 mg 
 Riboflavin : 0.022 mg 
 Thiamin : 0.024 mg 
 Vitamin A : 12 IU 
 Pyridoxine : 0.047 mg 
 Vitamin C : 58.8 mg 
 Vitamin D : 0 IU 
 Vitamin E : 0.29 mg 
 Vitamin K : 2.2 µg 

 Calcium : 16 mg 
 Iron : 0.41 mg 
 Magnesium : 13 mg 
 Phosphorus : 24 mg 
 Zinc : 0.14 mg 
 Sodium : 1 mg 
 Potassium : 153 mg 

 Saturated fatty acids : 0.015 g 
 Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.043 g 
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.155 g 
Cholesterol : 0

12 strawberry health benefits

1. Keeping heart health
Strawberry contains nutrients that are beneficial heart healthy include: fiber, folate, vitamin C and flavonoids that help lower cholesterol. Strawberry also contains citamin B which strengthens the heart muscle.

2. Preventing cancer
Strawberry high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content. The combination of the two is able to prevent cancer in the body. Strawberry also contains phytochemicals called ellagik acid that has anti-cancer properties.

3. Increasing the immune system
In strawberry fruit contains a lot of vitamin C is beneficial to enhance the bodys immune and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body. One glass of strawberry contains 136% RDA of vitamin C.

4. Lowering high blood pressure
Other benefits of vitamin C is to lower high blood pressure. Strawberry contains potassium and magnesium, which are both highly effective in lowering high blood pressure caused by sodium.

5. Prevent leukemia
Strawberries also have a very good therapeutic effect for preventing leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in it has the effect of curbing the growth and malignant tumors.

6. Helps digestion
Strawberry contains soluble fiber that can help smooth the digestive system and bowel (bowel movements) so as to prevent constipation and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

7. Strengthen bones
Strawberry contains manganese, a mineral that helps maintain bone formation and bone structure. Strawberry also contains potassium, vitamin K and magnesium are also needed for bone health.

8. Reducing inflammation
Antioxidants and flavonoids in strawberries help reduce inflammation in the joints that can lead to arthritis.

9. A healthy diet
A cup of strawberries contains a lot of fiber, but contains very little calories is about 43. Fiber found in strawberries can facilitate your digestion.

10. Healthy brain
Strawberry contains iodine which helps the brain and nervous system function. Strawberry also contains folate which is a brain food. A variety of antioxidants also play a role in preventing brain cell damage that can lead to dementia.

11. Healthy skin and hair
Folate is a B group vitamin that helps nourish the hair and skin.

12. Whiten teeth
Strawberry also has its own power to whiten your teeth. Mash strawberries, then using a finger, stick it in teeth and then leave for a minute or two. After that, scrub with a toothbrush thoroughly.

Backlink From Your Own Blog

Link building is a main based of SEO technique to drive traffic to your site. You might able to do so, is by providing a quality and useful content for your readers. Write on subject that you desire and love most, though it must be connected to your site niche.

Having a specific niche domain will get you advantages on specific targeted visitors, though it will also get you into trouble, due to lack of inspiration to write on a new blog post. My main blog niche is on alternate medicine, but my blog description is about tips (on everything) to gain better life. So, in this case, I have a wide niche to write about.

Based on Alexa website, many inbound links can help improve your rank in search engines, and can serve as a measure of a sites reputation. I was laugh at myself when I saw my blogs Alexa site linking in. A new backlink that I got is from When I tried to click on it, it directed me to my own blog. How could that be possible? I still didnt know why Alexa give my own blog as a dofollow backlink. If you have something like this, please share your thought!

Perhaps you can try this:
Check your blog URL with no .com/ at the end of your blog URL. Try using .in, .br, or

For example :
Your blog URL is, and try to change with, or, or

Now, you can see where is the URL you had typed leads to!

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Minggu, 14 September 2014

Child Growth at Golden Age

Your child is your most valuable treasure. Every children are born unique, with their own potentials and characters, having no equal that could never be compared to each other. You might then wonder, How does your parenting style? Will it work with your child? How will your child end up in the future? Read this poem to consider on something to think about your parenting style!

The needs of each child is not the same, because the childrens needs are different, and every family also has different parenting style. Thats why, parents response to each child is also different. Theres a possibility that other families parenting style could be applied to yours. Its all yours to decide whether you use it or not.

Although nowadays its hard to parenting your child with so many bad influences around your neighbourhood. The basic of child main education is started from the family itself.

Pictures of this!

A year old to 7 years old childs mind is like a glass of water. A bad education or influence is like a spoonful of tea water. See whats the colour of the glass if it filled with water and, lets say, 4 spoonful of tea water! Another glass of water will purify, by dropping it into the 1st glass of water, that already mixed with tea water.

If I would say that, 4 spoonful of tea water is bad educations in a day, and the 2nd glass of water that purified the 1st one, is good educations in a year. How can we purify our childs mind then, if we cant give good educations everyday in a year, with bad educations, side by side filled him everyday too!!

In a talk show with Donna Agnesia, Indonesian famous presenter, titled Child Growth at Golden Age, Donna shared her experiences caring for her three children, Lionel (5), Diego (3), and Sabrina (1), started with characters building, tips on dividing attentions to all her children, to the concept of childrens education.

Donna with Lionel & Diego

You may consider the parenting style of Donna and her husband, Darius Sinathrya, Indonesian actor and also TV Show presenter. Donna and Darius are Indonesian famous celebrity couple who love to share their successful marriage and family tips. Below are their tips of parenting guides, in which might suitable to be applied for your child at home.

Become Friends
With her husband, Donna admitted that everyday, she prefered to communicate with her children as a friend. So that the children are to be more open and free to express. We dont talk to our children like a child with his parent, but talked like a child with his friend, by using more simple language. As much as possible to reduce using the word dont, although sometimes it difficult to find the other words instead. If the word dont be said too often, children will become lazy to talk to their parents. Just like when the time we often had prohibited by our parents, then finally we were more open to talk to our friends rather than to our parents, she said.

Just like communicating with friends, when children make mistakes, you can ask him to talk, advice Donna. Instead of being angry with him, better if given obvious reasons when you warned your child about particular mistake. Children are now critical, they will ask back to you. Why did you forbid him? They want to know what was the reason, she said.

Be More Creative
Parents should not be less intelligent and creative with their children, said Donna. Before bed, Lionel always asked her to tell a story. If there was no book, Darius or myself make our own story, added Donna.

You should not always buy expensive toys for your children. You can create a toy yourself from whats available at home. If you can, it doesnt matter anymore, but no need to force yourself to buy expensive toys according to childs age or development. If you have to purchase it, theres a period of time that make your children not always able to play with their toys. What is important that the parents should be more creative, she said.

Family Education
Basic education is within the family itself. Although the child schooled from an early age, family is still be a source of learning indeed. Even so, she was admitted that children in early childhood education is also needed, such as preschool. However, parents have to make sure that they have a clear goal, when register their children to a preschool.

I had to send my children to preschool from the age of two, the goal is more to help him socialize, know with others and learn to share, so that he do not grow into a selfish person, said Donna.

Equal Affection
If the number of children increases, parents need to give love equally. How? Give attention according to the childrens needs. At every level age, children have different needs. This is why a different form of attention between the 1st children, 2nd, and so on.

My second child is more demanding, more spoiled. How to handle him is different from my first child. Parent should not be burden with these differences of parenting style. All you need to do is to learn how you can give love emphatically. Just like when we were kids, what were make us happy to be treated like by our parents, she said.

To ensure the children are met their need for affection, it takes a good synergy. According to Donna, when she concentrated on one of her children, her husband played with the others. As much as possible avoid the child of being ignored, and always involve the older brother while youre playing with the younger brother, or vice versa, explains Donna. Parenting is not just a mothers duty, but also need a support from the father, so that children feel loves completely, and didnt feel of treating differently, she added.

Decisive Figure
In the family, a decisive figure is needed for children education. Father is playing important role here, because usually kids are more closer to the mother, so that the father emerged as a respected figure. Children should have a figure that respected but not feared. In my family, My children respected their father, said Donna. By applying her parenting style, Donna hopes that her children will idolize their father, just like she idolized her parent.

Happy Birthday my lovely Devie Virginia

References :

Gaya "Parenting" ala Donna Agnesia

Health Benefits of Ginger From Cure Cough To Prevent Cancer

Ginger has so many health benefits, it has been used as a natural health remedies for hundreds of years. In addition, ginger also has benefits for beauty. Ginger contain several compounds such as zingiberena (zingirona) essential oils, zingiberol, bisabolena, kurkumen, gingerol, filandrena and bitter resin. 

There are three kinds of ginger, the big ginger (Z. officinale Sp), small ginger (Z. officinale Var. Amarum), and red ginger (Z. officinale Var. Rubrum). From the three types of ginger, which is commonly used in pharmaceutical ginger red, because red ginger giving a bitter taste and pungent higher than other types of ginger. This is because the content of essential oils in ginger red more than in other types of ginger.
health benefits of ginger

10 Health Benefits of Ginger

1. Prevent certain types of cancer
Ginger extract is also effective to inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells. Such prevent constipation-related cancer, stimulate the prostate cancer prevention enzyme and inhibit the growth of colon cancer. Extracts of ginger is also proven to stop the spread of skin cancer cells, lung, kidney, and pancreas.

2. Treating colds and coughs
The nature of antiviral, antifungal and antitoxin ginger helps treat cough and colds. Ginger is also beneficial in preventing and treating the flu season when the cold rain.

3. Relieves stomach ache
Ginger is a panacea for patients with abdominal pain, such as diarrhea. Because ginger is an analgesic and calming.

4. Relieves swelling and sores
In the medical world, ginger is included in the painkiller, wounds and infections. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties to effectively relieve the pain of arthritis.

5. Curing migraine
Studies show that ginger can stop prostaglandin, causes head pain. Thus, ginger reduces migraine or headaches.

6. Relieve Digestive
After eat, stomach often feels fullness due to glut. Pick a warm ginger ale, because ginger helps digestion of food. Ginger also serves to clean the colon, increasing the production of digestive fluids and facilitate defecation.

7. Prevent irregular menstrual cycles
Ginger benefits regularity of the menstrual cycle for women. In China for example, ginger and brown sugar mixed in tea is widely consumed for reducing cramps coming months.

8. Treat morning sickness
Nausea, abdominal bloating and want to vomit in the morning, including pregnant women, can be cured with herbs ginger.

9. Preventing toothache
Painful gums and tooth pain it can also be prevented by drinking ginger ale. This is because the ginger has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

10. Lowering cholesterol levels
Another benefit, namely ginger proved efficacious lowering cholesterol levels, in addition to the clean blood. Thus, heart attacks and blood clots can be prevented.

Benefits of ginger for beauty

- Get rid of Acne
- Eliminate Dandruff
- Slimming stomach after giving birth
- Eliminate foot odor
- Smoothing hair
- Overcome Oily Skin

Sabtu, 13 September 2014

The Health Benefits From A Roadside Tree of Kersen

Muntingia calabura Linn. (Kersen)

I never thought before that this kersen, an Indonesian name for the tree of Muntingia calabura Linn., has so many health benefits. The kersen trees are fast growing fruit trees. Kersen tree could grow up to 3 m high within two years. Kersen are commonly planted in roadsides, or parking lots. Kersen leaves, barks, flowers and roots have been used as a folk remedy to treat fever, cold, liver disease, and use as an antiseptic agent in Southeast Asia.

A Tree With Hundreds of Names

Since I was a child, I knew kersen by the name of keres. The Dutch was used to call it as Japanse kers (Japanese cherry), and Indonesian people then called it as kersen, or keres. Although some Indonesian would call it as talok, baleci, or ceri jawa (Javanese cherry).

Kersen is widely cultivated, and thoroughly naturalized in many places around the world, which made kersen is thought by the local people to be native. The fact, kersen is native to southern Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and tropical South America.

In its originate country of Mexico, where kersen is sold in the market, kersen is known by the name of capolin, palman, bersilana, jonote, or puan. Can you believe it? Five different names for just a tree.

Other common names around the world include:

  • Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, Singapore cherry, Bajelly tree, Strawberry tree (common English names).
  • Datiles, alatris, aratiles, manzanitas and sarisa (Philippines).
  • Chitató, majagüito, chirriador, acuruco, tapabotija and nigua (Colombia).
  • Majagua, majaguillo, mahaujo, guácimo hembra, cedrillo, niguo, and niguito (Venezuela).
  • Bolina, iumanasa, yumanaza, guinda yunanasa, or mullacahuayo (Peru).
  • Takop farang, or ta kob farang (Thailand), kakhop (Cambodia), cay trung ca (Vietnam),kerukup siam, or Japanese cherry (Malaysia),Chinese cherry (India), and jam fruit (Ceylon).
  • Capulin blanco (Guatemala and Costarica), capulin de comer (El Salvador), pasito, or majagüillo (Panama), nigüito (Ecuador), calabura, or pau de seda (Brazil), capulina, or chapuli (Cuba), cedrillo majagua (Argentina),bois d orme, or bois de soie marron (Haiti), memiso, or memizo (Dominican Republic), bois ramier, or bois de soie (Guadeloupe). (Morton, J. 1987)

The Health Benefits of Kersen

Anti-diabetic Effect

An undergraduate thesis from Indonesian student of Malang Muhammadiyah University, had demonstrated the anti-hyperglicemic and anti-diabetic properties of kersen. The study resulted the efficacy of kersen fruit juice in lowering blood glucose levels in rats. (Verdayanti TE, 2009)

Cardioprotective Effect

Kersen leaves are reported potentially to possess antihypertensive effect. The methanol leaf extract of kersen had been studied to demonstrate its antihypertensive effect in anesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats. The study resulted that the activation of sGC (soluble Guanylyl Cyclase)/cGMP (cyclic Guanosine MonoPhosphate)/PKG (Protein Kinase G) signaling pathway may participate in kersen biphasic (two separate phases) cardiovascular effects. (Shih CD, 2009)

A study in Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, had confirmed the cardioprotective effects of kersen leaves extract against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction (heart attack) in rats. (Nivethetha M, 2009)

Anti-cancer Effect

Kersen leaves possess potential antiproliferative and antioxidant activities due to its high content of phenolic compounds. The aqueous, chloroform and methanol extracts of kersen leaves had been studied using Microculture Tetrazolium (MTT) assay in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.

The aqueous and methanol extracts of kersen leaves inhibited the proliferation of breast (MCF-7), cervix (HeLa), colon (HT-29), and leukemia (HL-60 and K-562) cancer cells lines. Meanwhile, the chloroform extract only inhibited the proliferation of breast (MCF-7), cervix (HeLa), and leukemia (HL-60 and K-562) cancer cells lines.

But, all extracts were failed to inhibit the breast (MDA-MB-231) cancer cells proliferation, and did not inhibit the proliferation of normal (3T3) cells, in which indicated its safety. (Zakaria ZA, et al. 2011)

So, how do you call kersen in your country? Have you ever try to eat kersen fruit? You should try it now. Because, when you are in Mexico, you will have to buy for this tropical climate fruits, which easily to find in every roadsides in my country.

20 Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is also called aloevera. You must be familiar with this one plant. Green plants are known to function nourish the hair and smooth skin is the type of vegetation that we often encounter on the home page.

But do you know if this plant has other benefits in addition to cosmetics. Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera plant:

  1. Cool the burned skin to sunlight, especially for those who often works outdoors. 
  2. Skin problems caused by weather, such as dry skin, redness, peeling, and mild irritation or rash. 
  3. Diminish the reddish color of the bruises on the body. 
  4. Cope with the discomfort caused by a razor. 
  5. Cope with minor burns. 
  6. Relieve the blisters. 
  7. Can be used as an anti-aging cream or to address wrinkles. 
  8. Treat the rash due to exposure to the sap of plants. 
  9. Relieve itching from insect bites. 
  10. Use every day to diminish scars and strecth marks, streaks of white or red due to pregnancy. 
  11. Care for minor injuries caused by a knife cut or scratched. 
  12. Tarnish spots blackish spots on the skin. 
  13. Can be useful as a substitute for hair conditioners and jelly. 
  14. Can be used to reduce acne. 
  15. Used to speed healing of canker sores. 
  16. Can be used as a natural body lotion. 
  17. To relieve muscle cramps or tightening. 
  18. Used to reduce the complaints on the issue of gum. 
  19. Reduce the dandruff on the head. 
  20. Overcome the water fleas.
Source :

Jumat, 12 September 2014

7 Amazing Peppermint Tea Benefits For Health

If you like to drink tea, maybe you should consider peppermint tea. Because peppermint tea has amazing benefits for health. Mint leaves or by the Latin name Mentha cordifolia has a fragrant aroma and refreshing taste. Mint Leaf scent is refreshing, due to the volatile oil contents in the form of menthol oil. Mint leaves also contain vitamin C, provitamin A, phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium. 

Research found in the peppermint leaf found substances that can inhibit the growth of bad bacteria and bacteria-able to flex muscles. By drinking peppermint tea will give you a variety of benefits, including: digestion, able to soothe stomach churned (abdominal pain, etc.), soften the skin, making your breath fresher, relieve headaches and sinus, as well as help treat gingivitis (gum bloody).

Peppermint has been used for medicinal purposes for many years. Peppermint known potent relieve abdominal pain, and often used as a main ingredient in hot drinks like tea. Peppermint is also an ideal remedy for relieving headaches. Even in the world of medical research demonstrates the ability of peppermint oil to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including indigestion, dyspepsia, and muscle spasms. 

Peppermint tea prepared by boiling a pint of water and when the water is boiling, add 6 fresh leaves of peppermint. After that leave for a few minutes, and then filtered and lift the peppermint tea is ready to drink. Below are peppermint tea benefits for health.

Peppermint tea health benefits

  • Strengthen the bodys immune system
    Peppermint tea beneficial in strengthening the immune system and keep you from various diseases. By drinking a tea made from peppermint, green tea and other herbal teas proven to prevent flu and colds, mild asthma control and symptoms of various diseases due to a weakened immune system. Peppermint tea contains high amounts of calcium, vitamin B, and potassium so that one can get all the benefits that will help to maintain a healthy body.
  • Facilitate digestion
    Mint tea is also known as stomach medicine. Drinking tea can avoid stomach problems and indigestion. Tea helps reduce the symptoms of stomach cramps, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gallstones and problems. This herbal tea aid digestion and reduce bloating. Peppermint tea is also useful for treating diverticulitis (inflammation of the digestive tract).
  • Eliminate bad breath
    Peppermint is an essential ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwash. The content of active menthol in peppermint able to cure gum disease which causes bad breath. By drinking peppermint tea regularly will overcome bad breath permanently. Chew some mint leaves can also deal with the problem of bad breath quickly.
  • Provide a relaxing effect
    The aroma coming from the tea can be regarded as a stress reliever. Peppermint tea for health benefits also help fight chronic pain and menstrual cramps. Many people think that drinking peppermint tea can be used as a way to overcome insomnia, stress management, and fighting headaches. Drinking a cup of tea after a meal can gradually reduce the stress, fatigue symptoms, and provide a good quality nights sleep.
  • Relieves heartburn
    Benefits of Mint Leaves is able to relieve the symptoms of heartburn through antispasmodic properties and by increasing the flow of digestive fluids through the digestive system. But be careful because the use of large doses of mint will be able to aggravate heartburn symptoms. Drink no more than three or four cups of mint tea every day. Never swallow pure mint oil.
  • Muscle aches
    Effects of anesthesia on the mint is not limited to the digestive system. Used in massage oils, mint also can relieve muscle aches and pains. Be sure to thin mint oil first before using it on the skin to avoid irritation.
  • Nasal congestion
    Mint leaves contain menthol, a common ingredient used in cold medications. Menthol scent can help open the respiratory tract because it contains anti-inflammatory. Mint antibacterial properties also help treat infections due to bacterial attack. Mint leaves can loosen bronchial constriction in asthmatics thus helping to facilitate breathing. To ease all the above conditions, mint can be applied topically or taken as a tea.

Avocado juice for health benefits

avocado juice

Avocado juice for health benefits include:
- Helps the formation of red blood cells
- Prevent anemia
- For pregnant women, folic acid content of avocados can stimulate brain development and the formation of the spinal cord
- Controlling bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and increase the good fats (HDL cholesterol)
- Prevent stroke
- Anti-wrinkle and ageless.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

How to Choose Safe Whitening Face Cream and contain no mercury

What woman does not crave the smooth white skin like porcelain? Surely all women agree that a beautiful face is having flawless skin without blemishes like porcelain.

Porcelain-white skin and clean as can be had with a variety of methods, such as the routine use various whitening cream facial treatment regularly perform in beauty clinics and many other ways that can be used.

 become a common thing done by women, basically face cream has many functions, such as maintaining skin moisture, counteracting the adverse effects of sunlight, nourish the skin, skin problems, and many others. On the grounds that women diligently apply the face cream.

To get glowing white skin, facial whitening creams electoral needs attention, because a lot of whitening products face full of harmful substances such as hydroquinone and mercury overload.

The effects of bleaching creams face dangerous berzat among others are the skin will feel hot and sore, especially when exposed to sunlight or air conditioning.
Itching is also usually occurs followed by a mild stinging. If the use of the cream is stopped will lead to irritation and even raised spots and acne spots.

By knowing the characteristics we will be much easier to determine the cream that we will use. In addition to knowing these characteristics, choose a face cream that legal with permission BPOM usually written on the packaging.

In addition, please read carefully the contents of the cream content. Do not forget to read the expiration date has expired because the cream can cause adverse effects to the skin.

Agency for Food and Drug Administration USA (FDA) warned consumers not to use products containing mercury (or mercury).
Dr. Charles Lee, senior advisor to FDA says, "Exposure to mercury can have serious health impacts. Effect can damage the kidneys and nervous system and hinder brain development in the baby and children were still small."

How to know you have mercury poisoning

The signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning include:

- Feelings that frequent changes, nervousness, irritability, emotional changes
- Insomnia (disorder symptoms such as difficulty in sleeping)
- Headache
- Strange sensations such as numbness in the hands, feet and around the mouth.
- Twitching
- Shaking
- Weak muscles
- Muscle wasting
- Decline in mental function and loss of coordination
- Kidney damage

How to protect yourself

1. Read all labels on skin products you use. If you find these words: "mercurous chloride," "calomel," "mercuric," "mercurio" or "mercury," STOP using the product.

2. If there is no label, then do not use the product. Regulations require all materials and substances contained in medicines and cosmetics should be written on the label.

3. Always wash your hands thoroughly after using any beauty product.

4. Before throwing a suspicious product, wrap in a plastic bag or containers. These products can seep into the soil in landfills and eventually into our water systems.

5. Perform tests of mercury. The normal level of mercury is less than 10 micrograms / liter in the blood and less than 20 micrograms / liter in urine. Before doing the test, make sure you are not consuming fish 5 days before the test to avoid false-positive test results. Seafood contains high levels of mercury.

If you suspect you have mercury poisoning the body, see a toxicologist or neurologist.

No need to worry because not all bleaching creams containing hazardous substances. We just need to be smart and wise consumers.

There are many whitening products face cream with natural ingredients even though the results are not as fast as hazardous cream.

Savor Lime for Lowering Cholesterol

Orange juice is known to have a wide range of benefits for health. One is in relation to lower cholesterol or fat levels in the blood.

Here are the tips:

1. Choose fresh lemon and rinse with clean
2. Cut the lemon into quarters, then thinly sliced
3. Enter the last slice into the glass. Sliced ​​lemon slices earlier is complete with its skin
4. Pour the hot water until it is full, then cover tightly
5. Wait about 30 minutes, then drink it down
6. Do it regularly, twice a day morning and evening

Based on the research, lemon peel contains oils that are useful for kesahatan. In addition, lime is not cause pain in the stomach.


Rabu, 10 September 2014

Soymilk Can Prevent Osteoporosis and Prostate Cancer

Soymilk Can Prevent Osteoporosis and Prostate Cancer
Soymilk Can Prevent Osteoporosis and Prostate Cancer

Can Prevent Osteoporosis
Consuming soy milk can help prevent osteoporosis because there are hormones Phytoestrogens in soy that can help accelerate the absorption of calcium by the body so that the bones will become stronger.

Can Prevent Prostate Cancer
Hormones in milk Soy Phytoestrogens found to inhibit the production of testosterone. When testosterone levels decline will be able to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in general, is often experienced by men.

Can Prevent Cholesterol
Because soy milk contained in unsaturated fatty acids that can inhibit cholesterol in the blood. If you consume soy milk on a regular basis then it is possible it will lower high cholesterol levels and also prevent wind sits (coronary heart). Unlike the case with other milk compounds in soy milk which has the ability to improve lipid profiles in your blood.


• 1 banana
• 1/2 cup(s) silken tofu
• 1/2 cup(s) soymilk
• 2 tablespoon(s) unsweetened cocoa powder
• 1 tablespoon(s) honey

1. Slice banana and freeze until firm. Blend tofu, soymilk, cocoa and honey in a blender until smooth. With the motor running, add the banana slices through the hole in the lid and continue to puree until smooth.

The benefits are hairs on our body

1. In Head
The function of hair is to protect the scalp from the sun and the cold. While the existing hair on your head numbered no less than 100,000 strands of hair and every hair grows in 2 to 6 years. But it will experience hair loss every day, 50 to 100 strands, but the new hair will grow.

2. In the Eye
The function of eyebrows and eyelashes in addition to beauty and beauty is to resist sweat and rain on the forehead and then to the eye. The eyebrows may also deepen the real character of your face.

3. On the Nose

With the hair on the nose, then the bacteria, fungi, dust or spores that enter into the nose will be blocked and filtered. Not only that, the hair on the nose also works to increase the humidity of the inhaled air. It is very important to further the process of respiration.

4. Mustache, beard, chest hair and stomach
Function mustache and beard is a sign of secondary sex for adult men, or in other words, as one of distinguishing between men and women. As with mustache and beard, the function of hair on the chest and abdomen is a sign of secondary sex for adult men.

5. In armpit
As with any other body hair, hair in the armpit are usually begin to grow at puberty and growing normally until the end of adolescence, ie 18-20 years. Permeation pheromones from armpits on the level of human development have shown a link between underarm hair with keseksualan. Positive response to olfactory stimuli in the mammalian and strong sex urge caused by permeation of pheromone provide useful clues about the purpose and importance to the human armpit hair. It was said bahawa hair itself acts as the nature of the "anti-slide" was originally to be between the upper arm to the thorax. More importantly, armpit hair is beginning to be expel moisture from the skin which helps the skin to be dry enough to prevent the development of bacteria that emit odors.

6. In the Hands and Feet
Hair functions as the feet and hands are the most effectual means of sensors. Suppose our feet walking in the bush. This is being addressed by our feet is plenty. Starting plants itchy or can respond if there is a caterpillar.

7. In Pubic
Various theories suggest that the function of pubic hair is to provide warmth, visual indication of sexual maturity, the collection of pheromones spending, reduce external friction during intercourse, and protective areas overgrown pubic hair, because this region is sensitive.

Selasa, 09 September 2014

Hot Drinks Prevent Stroke

Drinking hot beverages in the morning, whether its tea or coffee, a part of the daily routine of many people. Simple habits turned out to help us reduce the risk of stroke.

A study of 83,000 people in Japan showed that those who frequently drank green tea or coffee per day had a risk of stroke 20 percent lower. Even the protective effect against certain types of stroke is greater.

Hot Drinks Prevent Stroke?
"If you can not change your lifestyle, try to prevent stroke by regularly drinking green tea every day," said Dr.Yoshihiro Kokubo of National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan.

Although it was not clear why coffee and tea had the effect of preventing stroke, but according to Kokubo it may be associated with the ingredients in these drinks that keep blood clots.

In addition, green tea contains catechins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Some of the substances in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid also reduces the risk of stroke by lowering the risk of diabetes mellitus.

The content of caffeine in coffee also have an effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also led to changes in insulin sensitivity that affect blood sugar.

Even so, according to Dr.Ralph Sacco, a former American Heart Association priseden, such as the type of research conducted Kokubo can not accurately ascertain whether the reduction in stroke risk was indeed derived from the consumption of coffee and tea.

"The link is visible from such studies are limited in their ability to indicate whether content in coffee, tea, or indeed the lifestyle of the respondents who have a protective effect," says Sacco.

The Hidden Cloves Health Benefits

What is cross in your mind when heard cloves? Cigarettes, smoking maybe? For several chefs, cloves are one of their important ingredients. But the truth is, you can found quite unexpected cloves health benefits. The essential oil of clove has anesthetic and antimicrobial function. Clove oil is often used to eliminate bad breath and to relieve toothache. Substances contained in cloves called eugenol, used by dentists to soothe tooth nerve. Clove oil is also used in a mix of traditional Japanese to take care of their surfaces swords.

This is nutrition facts that can be found in cloves. The highest nutrient content are minerals such as Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc. Cloves also contain quite high vitamins such as folates, vitamin C and vitamin K. For detail cloves nutritional value you can read at the bottom of the post, now we will talk about the health benefits first.

Cloves health benefits

  1. Antibacterial and antifungal: Cloves can be a natural way to fight the bacteria that harm the stomach, and fight bacteria in the mouth. Addition, eugenol found in clove has been shown to contain anti-fungal, and are effective against skin diseases.
  2. Containing analgesics: Clove oil is often used to treat teeth, even experiments recently conducted prove clove contains analgesic. So if you have pain in the gums, no need to buy the drugs at the pharmacy, just use clove oil to relieve your pain.
  3. Digestion: Clove oil can increase metabolism by increasing blood circulation and reducing body temperature. That process ultimately improve bowel movement. People with digestive problems can consume 1-2 drops of clove oil, mixed with a glass of hot water. Remember, you can not eat in the long term. It even lead to liver damage or imbalance in the body fluids.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory: Flavonoids are found in clove oil contains anti-inflammatory that can help patients suffering from rheumatism. Furthermore cloves can also be used as an expectorant in treating respiratory disorders.
  5. Anti mosquito: Clove contains compound that hates by mosquitoes. Use cloves to prevent you from mosquito bites that cause malaria, dengue, and other diseases caused by mosquito bites.

Cloves nutrition facts

Cloves Nutritional Value per100 g
Based on USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 274 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 65.53 g 
Protein : 5.972 g 
Total Fat : 13 g 
Cholesterol : 0 mg 
Dietary Fiber : 33.9 g 
Total sugars : 2.38 g 
Water : 9.87 g 

Folates : 25 µg 
Niacin : 1.560 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.220 mg 
Thiamin : 0.158 mg 
Vitamin A : 160 IU 
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.391 mg 
Vitamin C : 0.2 mg 
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 8.82 mg 
Vitamin K : 141.8 µg 

Calcium : 632 mg 
Iron : 11.83 mg 
Magnesium : 259 mg 
Potassium : 1020 mg 
Phosphorus : 104 mg 
Sodium : 277 mg 
Zinc : 2.32 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 3.952 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 1.393 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 3.606 g
Fatty acids, total trans : 0.254 g

Senin, 08 September 2014

Grapefruit works as an excellent appetizer as compared to any other drug

Health benefits of grapefruit, which is known as a powerful drug-poison eliminator, are many. It works as a natural antiseptic for external wounds. It works as a liver tonic for the human body. It contains high water content which helps in changing the complexion of the skin along with increasing the metabolism. The pulp of grapefruit supplies healthy bulk to our body which aids bowel action. It also helps to quench the thirst and thus, reduces the burning sensation that arises during fever. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that intake of grapefruit reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Benefits in Assorted Diseases:
Appetite Loss: Grapefruit works as an excellent appetizer as compared to any other drug. It is said that smell of the grapefruit reduces the feeling of hunger. This is the reason why people include grapefruit in their weight loss programs. High fiber contained by this fruit can satisfy hunger and thus, avoids any overeating temptation.

Fever: The pulp or the juice of grapefruit provides assistance to the patient to recover easily from the fever. It reduces burning sensation that occurs during high temperature. It also cures several cases of cold and phenomena. Grapefruit juice, if combined with water, can quench the thirst.

Fatigue: Grapefruit is beneficial in the treatment of fatigue. It helps you to dispel your fatigue and general tiredness caused due to the routine work. It can bring about a refreshing feeling in you when you drink equal amount of grapefruit juice and lemon juice.

Influenza: Grapefruit is a valuable remedy for influenza as it helps to minimize acidity from the system. The bitter properties arising from an essence called maringin in grapefruit tones up the system and the digestive swathe.

Malaria: The juice or the fruit itself consists of valuable and natural quinine which are advantageous for the treatment of malaria. The quinine can be easily extracted from the fruits by boiling a quarter of grapefruit and spraining the pulp.

Acidity: The fresh grapefruit juice has alkaline reaction after digestion. The citric acid of the fruit is tarnished in the human body and thus, increases the effect of the alkalinity reaction after digestion. The juice extracted from the grapefruit is beneficial in preventing the acid formation and many other diseases that arise due to the presence of acidity in the body.

Indigestion: Grapefruit is useful for solving the problem of indigestion. It is very light as compared to other food articles and thus, acts immediately on indigestion by easing the heat and irritation caused in the stomach. It improves the flow of digestive juices, thereby improving the digestive systems.

Insomnia: A simple glass of grapefruit juice, if drunk before going to bed, can promote healthy and sweet sleep and thus, alleviates insomnia.

Diabetes: A diabetic patient can safely eat a grapefruit. The consumption of this fruit can reduce the starches from the body. If a patient is diabetic, intake of grapefruit can facilitate you to fight with this health issue.
Constipation: A glass full of fresh squeezed grapefruit in the morning is the best remedy to control the constipation. They result best in stimulating the colon and other parts of the body.

Flatulence: 10 to 20 drops of grapefruit seeds in the juice, taken before the meals and three times a day, work as an appropriate pro-biotic and digestive enzyme.

Urinary Disorders: Grapefruit juice is quite rich in potassium and vitamin C and thus, works as the best medicine in the case of scanty urination caused due to the liver, kidney or heart problems.