Rabu, 30 April 2014

15 Foods To Prevent Osteoporosis

Eating a foods with balanced nutrition and rich in calcium can prevent osteoporosis. Oosteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced bone mass and changes in bone tissue microarchitecture. Osteoporosis is not just a reduction in bone density but also decreased bone strength. In osteoporosis the bone damage faster than improvements made by the body. Osteoporosis is often called bone loss. The bones are often fractured or broken such as: spinal vertebrae, pelvis, legs, and wrist forearm.

Early prevention of osteoporosis can be done in various ways, such as, nutrient intake associated with bone formation such as calcium, vitamin D, and regular physical activity is essential for bone formation.

Here are foods to prevent osteoporosis:

1. Milk and milk products such as cheese, yogurt or skim milk consumption is mandatory for those who do not want to develop osteoporosis. Because in these foods contained calcium and proteins that strengthen and nourish the bone.

2. Nuts. Do not be lazy to eat nuts that are rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. Especially almonds and pistachio nuts are a source of calcium.

3. Vegetables. These include broccoli, cauliflower, and beets should be routinely consumed every day for strong bones.

4. Yeast. Yeast has at least 330-350 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams dry weight

5. A dates. Like eating dates? The good news for you. For date source of calcium and magnesium which increases your bodys bone density.

6. Sunlight. Its not the food, but the sun is a source of vitamin D is the most easy and cheap to get. Make sure you are quite sun in the morning in order to maintain bone strength.

7. Fruits, such as oranges, guava, strawberry, and pineapple. These fruits provide vitamin C, which can strengthen the bones. Do not forget also bananas and apples.

8. Dark green vegetables are one osteoporosis-fighting foods. But beware spinach. Because it turns out there oxalates in it that turns prevents absorption of calcium by the body.

9. Beans, such as soy beans, lima beans, and lentils. All that is a source of calcium that can you consume in order to prevent osteoporosis

10. Eggs. In addition to protein, eggs also one of the foods that contain vitamin D naturally.

11. Physical activity. Although it is not the kind of food, but regular physical activity also prevent bone weakening. Therefore do not be lazy to pick up the stairs instead of using elevators in buildings.

12. Omega-3. You can find it in pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, or fish oil. Besides osteoporosis, omega-3 is also going against rheumatic diseases and joint pain.

13. Supplements. Lazy eating food? Drink only calcium supplements regularly to improve bone structure.

14. Fish, especially oily (oily fish) such as salmon, sardines, and tuna are rich in calcium and other minerals.

15. Other calcium foods, such as orange juice, a drink made from soy products, tofu, and also starch. Everything is the best source of calcium to fight osteoporosis.

How To Get Rid Of Bloating Simple Tips

Bloating is caused by too much air in the gut that makes you feel uncomfortable. So how to get rid of it? Bloating is caused by too much air in the gut that makes you feel uncomfortable. If bloating occurs, avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest is that it contains lactose, fructose, fructans, sugar alcohols, and galactan.

Causes of Bloating

There are many causes of bloating, including diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, and constipation. In most cases, harmless and bloating caused by poor diet. Eating in a hurry cause intestinal gas production more than usual. Certain types of foods or beverages such as soft drinks, coffee, sweet potatoes, durian, cabbage, onions, fruit mengkal, the food is too greasy or too sweet can cause bloating. Stress and anxiety can also cause bloating.

Tips on How to Get Rid Of Bloating

If bloating continues to be a regular problem for you, follow the tips below to get rid of the feeling of bloating:

1. Hydration
Bloating is a sign that the food is not digested properly by the body. Lack of water intake will cause excessive bloating. Drink several glasses of water will help in maintaining the balance of sodium in the body. However, make sure you do not consume soft drinks instead of water intake. Instead, you could try adding a little lemon juice and black pepper into the drinking water.

2. Reduce salt intake
Many ways you can do to reduce your salt intake. First, the priority for fresh foods rather than processed. Many food products and fresh fruit are low salt content. For example, fresh meat is much lower when compared to the salt content of processed versions such as ham, sausages and hot dogs. Second, check food labels and choose products that have a low salt content.

Third, be careful when you choose a salt substitute. Some foods high in potassium may help to reduce some of the problems related to the consumption of salt, but it can actually cause problems with the kidneys or heart.

3. Avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks as much as you can
Beware also the consumption of sugar substitutes, sepertisorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, isomalt, lactitol, mannitol, erythritol, and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH) - which tend to add to the bloating.

4. Wise in the consumption of milk.
Dairy products are full of natural sugars, called lactose - can interfere with the digestive process which causes bloating. If you are lactose intolerant, be sure to avoid the cheese and yogurt, because it can cause cramps.

5. Limit eating.
Eat small meals are not only useful in helping weight loss but can also be the best way to combat bloating. Eat 4-6 small meals a day and make sure to eat slowly.

6. Moving. Rise from your seat, if your stomach feels bloated.
Never miss a workout (gym), if your stomach feels full and uncomfortable. Exercise is a proven effective solution to overcome any kind of digestive disorders because it helps regulate the bodys systems. However, if you continue to feel bloated, then you may be experiencing chronic bloating and problems can be something as serious as celiac disease.

Hope this tips can useful for you to get rid of your bloating problem

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact Of Pepper

Pepper (Piper nigrum L) save a lot of health benefits. Pepper is known as herbs and spice, pepper also has many benefits as a drug. Not many people know that black pepper has more healthy properties. Pepper is very useful when used in a variety of recipes and as a spice.

Pepper is very important in components of world cuisine and is widely known as an important trade commodity in the Old World. In the past they were very expensive so be one of the triggers of European exploration to East Asia to master the trade, and thus began the history of the colonization of Africa, Asia, and America.

There are two types of pepper that popular, black pepper and white pepper. White pepper is pepper plucked when ripe. Then peel the skin by soaking in water for two weeks, then dried in the sun for three days. While black pepper is a pepper that are picked when mature but still green skin, and no soaked, dried immediately.

Nutritional Facts of Pepper:

Pepper has high content of Vitamins especially Vitamin K, besides Vitamin A and C. Similarly the dietary fiber content is high. Pepper has no cholesterol and it is very low in sugar content.

Some of the benefits of pepper for our health:

Weight loss
Pepper contains a chemical known as capsaicin, which is the ingredient that makes peppers, has hot properties. Capsaicin is also good to help you lose weight. Capsaicin is commonly found in weight loss pills and some other supplements. How capsaicin can help us lose weight? The answer is very simple. Capsaicin is actually burning up calories and fat with its thermal properties. Feeling the heat we feel when eating a pepper contains many will be able to burn fat.

Capsaicin also acts as an anti-inflammatory which makes it works to reduce the swelling and pain in those who suffer from arthritis.

A study by British scientists at the University of Nottingham and other studies by the American Association of Cancer Research reported that capsaicin found in peppers are actually able to kill certain cancer cells, especially prostate cancer cells.

The content of capsaicin in pepper can also serve to block neuropeptide known as substance P, which is the main transmitter of pain to the brain. So when we are eating pepper pain in the head will be able to alleviate the symptoms.

Nasal congestion
This one may seem a bit obvious. Hot pepper caused by capsaicin can clear your sinuses. It even helps to fight sinus infections with air duct cleaning. This means we really can breathe easier with the help of this pepper.

Stomach pain
Peppers could not cure heartburn, but at least they can prevent the disease. The heat from the pepper can kill bad bacteria in the stomach and intestines that is the cause of stomach ulcers.

High blood pressure
Pepper, chili in general has a lot of flavanoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which is a substance that can lower a persons blood pressure.

Heart health
Too much fluid in the body can be bad for your heart. With the abundance of fluid around the heart wall will result in a strain on the heart and it is potentially harmful cardiac performance. One sign of too much fluid retention is a swollen ankle. Other symptoms, difficulty breathing, because too much water can suppress lung.
Why pepper can help maintain a healthy heart? Because pepper causes us to sweat and the more we sweat the fluids in the body is reduced.

Because of flavanoids and vitamins found in pepper so it is good for anti-oxidant, which means they work in the bloodstream to help the body fight anything that threatens the cells damage.

Foods to Increase Platelets

Platelet function in our body part is essential for the process of blood coagulation. A normal platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000 but different diseases can cause levels fall can cause internal bleeding. A low platelet count is a serious matter that requires medical supervision, but in your diet you could find extra help. In here we give you a list of foods to increase plateletsand improve your health.
Foods to Increase Platelets
Low platelets can be caused by severe infections, diseases such as dengue, diseases of the spleen, hemolytic anemia, vitamin K, and most serious diseases like leukemia or the result of chemotherapy treatment, the important thing is to keep the situation under control and try as far as possible to upload more platelets in your body.

Depending on the disease that has caused the decline in platelets a change in diet may be beneficial. It is important to know that in more serious cases such as leukemia these foods do not provide a significant change, however in cases of dengue, anemia or other infections and diseases will markedly.

Faced with a decline of platelets is necessary to eat foods with a high content of vitamins and minerals that help our body to produce more plateletsand thus to recover our health.

In cases of anemia is necessary to increase the consumption of iron quickly, because low platelets cause fatigue and drowsiness. You should be included in the diet foods like spinach, the canons, lentils, red pepper, liver and guava, which in Europe can be found in juice.

The carrot, beet and celery are known for its properties to raise plateletsin our blood. The best way that you can consume it raw in a salad, as well get maximum of vitamins, however in cases of diseases such as dengue or severe infections where patients are too weak, the best way to eat them is in broth or vegetable cream.

Garlic is also an ideal food to increase platelets, prepare garlic soup or add it to the cream you suggest vegetable (celery and carrots for example).

The vitamin C is a great ally to increase the platelets you can get it from fruits like kiwi, strawberries, orange, and lemon. A good suggestion for patients who are weaker is administered in a refreshing juice.

In addition to your diet there are other steps you can take to improve your knowledge about blood platelets and if after a blood test your plateletscount has gone altered should consult a specialist immediately to determine the source of the decline.

Senin, 28 April 2014

Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Clove oil is extracted from the dried flower buds of clove trees, or Eugenia caryophyllata. Clove oil has a strong aroma and taste spicy and warm. Clove oil should only be used as an external medicine and in small quantities because it is strong.

Clove oil has many benefits such as help with digestive problems, relieve depression, refreshing the mind, relieve shortness of breath and pain in the joints, and helps heal wounds. Greeks, Romans, and ancient Chinese used clove oil to relieve toothache.

Substance content in clove oil

Here is the content contained in clove oil.

Clove oil contains eugenol up to about 78%. Eugenol is used in perfumes, antiseptics, analgesics, and flavorings. This substance is widely used in the dental industry. Eugenol can be highly toxic if not used properly.

Eugenol Acetate
Clove oil contains eugenol acetate approximately 8.01%. Eugenol acetate is a material widely used in many foods and are considered safe for consumption. Eugenol acetate contributes spicy aroma contained in clove oil.

Clove oil contains about 3.56% beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene is an approved food additive and is considered safe.

Other Components
Other components found in clove oil include the following: a-Humulene (0.4%), (E)-beta-Ocimene (0.33%), p-Allyl phenol (0.19%), caryophyllene oxide (0.1 %), Copaene (0.1%), Methyl saliculate (0.07%), alpha-Cadinene (04%), 2-heptyl acetate (04%), 2-heptanone (04%), 2-Nonanone (. 02%), Linaloola (01%), pinene (01%) and p-Cymene.

Health benefits of clove oil

Clove oil is used for various purposes such as massage oil, mouthwash, aid relaxation and reduce fever. Here are the various uses of clove oil for health.

1. Antibacterial
Clove oil has antibacterial properties that are beneficial for a variety of things. Infection in minor injuries and insect stings can be avoided by applying clove oil on the wound.

When mixed with water and lemon oil, clove oil can be used as a cleaner in the house to kill the bacteria. Spray the solution on the sink, bathroom, or other places to eradicate the bacteria.

2. Antimicrobials
Clove oil is an effective antimicrobial. Adding a few drops of clove oil in soaps or lotions will help kill germs. Put clove oil on a tissue and inhale fumes to prevent the flu when in crowded places.

3. Anti-inflammatory
Tired muscles during hard work will benefit from anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil. Mix clove oil with a carrier oil (carrier) such as jojoba or lotion to make massage cream.

Clove oil is also beneficial for patients with bronchitis and asthma by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages and help thin the mucus.

4. Anesthesia
Clove oil has been used for centuries by dentists to help eliminate mouth irritation and relieve pain caused by swelling caused by an infected tooth.

Clove oil is also beneficial used as a mouthwash to fight bad breath. Mix clove oil with water and use to rinse the throat pain.

5. Antifungal
Clove oil can be used to help fight fungal infections. Conditions such as fungal nail can be alleviated by taking capsules of clove oil and apply clove oil on the skin.

6. Aromatherapy
Clove oil is a natural stress reliever. Boil clove oil and water on the stove. Clove oil vapor that filled the room will create a relaxed mind. The aroma of clove oil has been known to have a relaxing effect and beneficial for people with sleep disorders.

5 Foods For Healthy Lungs

There are some healthy and nutritious foods that are beneficial for maintaining healthy lungs, respiratory system ensuring functioning properly, and also to help reduce the risk of lung disease. Food for healthy lungs are actually not hard to find and very cheap price, here are some healthy foods for lungs:

1. Apples and tomatoes
Apples and tomatoes have the greatest potential to protect your lungs from tobacco smoke pollutants and other air toxics. Both of these foods contain antioxidants and other nutrients that are beneficial for improving lung function, reduced wheezing, and help people with asthma to breathe easier. In addition, you should also consume fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients at least five servings a day. This will help you get lung health specifically and health in general.

2. Orange fruit
Vitamin C found in the fruit may help prevent free radical damage that triggers pneumonia. Fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes are naturally anti-inflammatory that can reduce tissue swelling of the lungs such as asthma. Vitamin C also acts to improve lung health, and may reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers.

3. Berry fruit
Types of berries such as blackcurrant, blueberry and strawberry contains powerful phytochemical resveratrol, which naturally has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, enhance memory, improve fat metabolism and may inhibit oxidative stress-induced cancer of the lungs. According to Paul Gross PhD, his role in "Super Fruits", consuming this fruit regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 20%. Berries are also high in anthocyanins which may help reduce lung cancer and gastrointestinal tract.

4. Cereals and grains
Cereals, grains, bread, and other products that are high in fiber could potentially have the ability to maintain healthy lungs.

5. Fatty Fish
Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna,  sardines and mackerel, provide rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats the body must obtain from food. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2002, omega-3 fats derived from fish oil may have a positive impact on lung health in children with asthma. In some cases, omega-3 fat intake has allowed individuals faced with chronic lung inflammation to require smaller amounts of anti-inflammatory medication.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Tips to Prevent Alzheimer

Alzheimers is a type of dementia that causes progressive impairment of memory. It mainly affects the thinking, behavior and character of the sufferer.

With the advancement of the disease Alzheimer, you lose the ability to communicate or make decisions and completely change his/her personality when he/she is unable to remember how to perform the basic activities that were used or when, even in the later stages is unable to recognize their closest relatives. According to the Alzheimers Association, about 5 million Americans suffer from this disorder. 

Tips to Prevent Alzheimer

Still do not know the exact cause that causes it, but it is known that advanced age, family history and the injuries sustained in the head are strongly related. Other modifiable factors, such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and lack of mental gymnastics can be triggers of the disease, so prevention is the key for Alzheimer.

Here gives some Tips to prevent Alzheimer.

Balanced diet with less fat, more vegetables:
Recent studies have shown that consumption of high amounts of vegetables of green leaf and fruit antioxidants, such as blueberries and strawberries, and eliminating fried foods and fats saturated, significantly reduces the risk of memory-related problems. And help to prevention from Alzheimer. Foods like chocolate, the green tea, the beans, the fish blue and fruits dry, rich in fatty acids Omega 3, are considered protective of the brain.

Tips to Prevent Alzheimer

Physical Exercise:
Make exercise is the most powerful means to prevent the disease from Alzheimerand improve brain function, says the latest report from the Mayo Clinic. According to the agency, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, is 32% more likely to develop brain-related diseases, compared to if exercised five times a week? The reason is that physical activity oxygenates all the cells of the brain, activates the connections of neurons and promotes the release of neurotransmitters that promote motivation, creativity, memory and learning.

Active your brain:
Tips to Prevent AlzheimerThe most important key to prevent the degeneration of brain function is to keep your brain in permanent activity and activate those parts less used. To do this, you can try to do everyday activities with closed eyes, most often using their dominant hand, daily crossword puzzles or change things from the usual place as a gym for this important body.

So maintain a balanced diet, do regular physical exercise and active your brain more can help to release from the Alzheimer.

Diet Guidelines For Healthy Heart

You can reduce the risk of heart disease with a healthy diet. To minimize the risk of the disease, all you need is a healthy lifestyle and proper diet for heart health. Four major risk factors for heart disease are smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and less physically active. However, excess weight (overweight), diabetes, alcoholic beverages, and a diet that contains a lot of salt, can also increase the risk of heart disease.

Here are the diet guidelines for healthy heart:

1. Prevention of heart disease through diet can be done by limiting dietary fat intake below 30% of total daily calories and saturated fats and trans fats not more than 10% of total calories. Types of fats rich in omega 3 and 6 should be prioritized. The recommended foods include fish, vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, whole grains, flaxseed, nuts, canola oil, and soybean oil.

2. Try to consume enough fiber, both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. fibers are often found in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains. whereas soluble fiber such as pectin much on oats and fruits and vegetables. soluble fiber the body needs to improve blood lipid levels and maintain normal blood pressure with vitamins and minerals contained in it. Additional 5-10 grams of soluble fiber per day will reduce the levels of LDL-cholesterol by about 5%.

3. You also have to stop the excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcohol consumption of more than 3 cups / day will increase blood pressure, heart muscle damage, increased risk of stroke, it also affects the function of other organs in the body.

4. In addition, folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 can lower homocysteine ​​levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. folic acid often found in asparagus, beef liver, beans, spinach, cereals and beets. Vitamin B6 much on bananas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, chicken breast, spinach. While vitamin B12 is found in chicken liver, sardines, tuna, cheese and sirloin steak.

5. You also need enough antioxidants like vitamin a, b, c, e, Zn, se, and lycopene. antioxidants needed to prevent the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol by free radicals derived from pollutants around us such as cigarette smoke, car fumes, and others. Raw foods are rich in antioxidants, especially found in vegetables and fruits. therefore, recommended fruit and vegetable consumption as much as 5 to 6 servings a day.

6. Diet can also be done by limiting the use of simplex carbohydrates, such as white sugar, brown sugar, and the other 10% a day. Factors other nutrients, such as soy products, phitostanol and phitosterol also capable of lowering cholesterol levels around 7-10%. phitostanol and phitosterol often found in corn, olive oil and oats.

Finally, the amount of food consumed should be adapted to needs of the body to avoid excess calories will promote overweight and obesity that will increase your risk of heart disease.

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Weight Loss for Teens How to Do It Successfully

Teenagers confront as well with overweight and this article aims toward weight loss goals in teens describing some useful tips for successfully achieve this goal. According to statistics, one teen in five confronts with weight problems in US only. At this age, weight loss is a tough challenge as it is for any other person, but it doesnt mean that it is impossible.

If you are in search of useful tips to lose weight, you may as well follow the ones from below and increase your chances of being successful with this initiative. Check this out:

Weight Loss for Teens - How to Do It Successfully

* Do not rush into those diets claiming to help you lose weight fast. You have to remember that at this age, your body goes through a lot of transformations and it is the best to achieve weight loss at a slower pace. Yes, you may approach a diet that claims to help you lose weight fast, but after a while, those lost pounds are back. Instead of this, you should plan to lose weight slowly and enjoy its results for the rest of your life.

* As mentioned above, do not go for those fad diets that claim to help you lose weight quickly. They promise to help you lose weight while you are on that diet, but they dont promise the same results once you are off the diet.

* Another useful tip for teen weight loss is to get involved in exercising to help you lose those pounds. Be more active while cutting reducing the calorie intake and increase as such the rate of your metabolism. Once your metabolism works faster, you can easily shed off the over weight because the fat is faster burned not having time to deposit within your body.

* The next tip is to always consider eating a balanced diet. This means that you should have daily intake of the necessary nutrients through the meals you are eating. It is not enough to lose weight while along the way, your body lacks the vitamins and minerals. You should provide for your body the right intake of these nutrients to keep it in a good state of health while achieving your weight loss plan.

Get Healthy Skin With Fruits And Vegetables

There is no one person who will not have desire for healthy skin that should be free from any scars and even glowing at the same time for which they would not limit the money they spend for the cosmetics which promise to give skin free from any problems. There are also times when people usually tend to follow several methods in preparing packs that are said to resolve any severe skin problems however there are very few people who are actually aware of the fact that consuming right colored fruits and vegetables is sufficient to fulfill all these desires about skin.

Here are the color codes which have been put together from among the fruits and vegetables that have been sorted into five different groups which go on as follows:
  • Yellows And Oranges:

    They are known to help in fighting from increasing age also slowing down the process of ageing due to the substances like beta-carotene and free radical fighters. Vitamin C present in this is known to help in growth of collagen, combating wrinkles and providing elasticity to the skin, some other fruits and vegetables in this category include mangoes, lemons, pumpkin and others.

  • Purple And Blue:

    These colored fruits and vegetables are known to be full of anti-oxidants but also are said to be delicious at the same time which is said to add stamina to the immune system and improvise the digestive system. Some of the other fruits and vegetables in this include plums, eggplant and blackberries.

  • Greens:

    It is commonly heard from so long that green leafy vegetables are known to give numerous advantages to the body which is definitely true for people from various ages that implies even for green fruits, some of the names under this category include broccoli, kiwi, sprouts, green bell peppers, cabbage and celery all of which are known to provide security against cancer due to the presence of Vitamin C and Folate.

  • Reds:

    Red colored fruits and vegetables are known to have lycopene which is most powerful anti-oxidant also safeguarding people from harmful UV rays, some other fruits and vegetables in this include watermelon, red bell peppers, tomatoes and papaya.

  • Whites:

    Some of the foods under this category include bananas, onions, corn, mushrooms, coconut, potatoes are known to have beta-glucans that boost immunity in body lessening any risk of colon, prostate cancer, maintaining hormone levels and risk of breast cancer.

One of the best ways to gain maximum benefits from these fruits and vegetables is to include a bowl of fruits made from this or even a salad made from the vegetables to be included in the diet on daily basis. Further if this is not possible atleast one fruit or vegetable has to be included in daily diet from any of the above categories, in order to increase the taste of this lemon juice or curd can also be included based on the interest of your taste buds.

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Oral Diseases and Your Health

Oral Diseases and Health

Oral diseases not only affect mouth to mouth area, but impact in various parts of the human body, so it is important to have good hygiene to ensure the elimination of bacteria.

For people, it is very important to have a healthy white smile, but when not properly care for infections can appear uncomfortable. In here you will familiar with the most common diseases of oral health.

Oral Diseases and Your Health

Oral Caries:
A crack in the teeth is caused by food acids decaying. It affects more than 90% of the world population.Regularly recorded on the outside, but if not treated in time, can affect the nerve, causing severe pain and loss of tooth. The poor oral hygiene and sugary food intake favor its appearance.

Oral Gingivitis:

Gingivitis is generated by improper brushing, poor flossing and smoking involves the inflammation of the gums caused by an infection (bacteria) or the accumulation of plaque and tartar. If not attended to in time, can affect the bone and become a periodontitis.

Its symptoms include bleeding, swelling, redness, sensitivity to cold and bad breath.

Oral Diseases and Your Health


Periodontists is a progressive infection of the gums and bone loss around the teeth, which causes the release of teeth.

Most cases result from prolonged accumulation of plaque and calculus on teeth. Its main symptoms are intense redness of the gums, pain and inflammation without eating or light bleeding during brushing.

Oral Cancer:

When there is no proper cleaning, your mouth can harbor many germs and bacteria that cause this type of oral disease. It manifests from any sores, inflammation or ulceration last long.

Some risk factors that trigger the disease are: smoking, alcohol, diet deficient in vitamins A, E, C and iron, a viral infection or excessive sun exposure.


Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay and smoking are the causes of bad breath in adults. It is important to visit the dentist to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Experts Recommendation:

Oral experts recommend avoiding sweets and sugary drinks, eating a balanced diet, brush twice a day with quality tooth brush and tooth paste in proper ways, flossing and regular visits to the dentist for a check-up.

Healthy Habit No 9 Snack the Healthy Way

The ADA recommends five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy diet. These plant foods can do many things to boost good health, including:

* Reduce the risk of some cancers
* Beat the signs of aging
* Improve memory
* Promote heart health
* Enhance the immune system

One way to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet is to have them as snacks. "If you can do one thing [to improve your health], concentrate on getting fruits and veggies," says Johnson. "They are low in calories and high in nutrients."

She says baby carrots and cut-up produce make tasty, convenient munchies. Other healthful snacks include low-fat yogurt and nuts (in moderation).

The best time to snack is when you are hungry between meals, says Johnson. But beware: Cravings could easily be mistaken for hunger cues, especially for people who are dieting.

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Simple Home Remedies For Sun Tanned Skin

Tanning of skin is generally caused due to exposure of skin to the Ultra Violet (UV) radiations of the sun. It results in darkening of the skin as the UV rays multiply the production of melanin in the body. Generally skin produces melanin to protect itself for sunlight, but excessive production results in sun tan or sun burns.

Once you have suffered the tan, it is not easy to remove tan from your skin. So you usually try to prevent tan by applying sunscreen lotion and carrying umbrellas. In tan, the skin shows two shades i.e., brighter and darker. The uncovered skin get tanned and becomes dark, usually the skin on face, hands, arms, back, neck and feet gets tanned as they remain uncovered most of the time and gets exposed to the sun directly.

Though there are creams and lotions available to remove tan but the chemicals present in those products may damage the skin. Hence it better you choose to get rid of tan naturally, as there are many simple home remedies that help you get rid of the horrid sun tan effects. You need to follow these natural cures for more than a week to obtain visible results and regain you natural skin color.

Simple Home Remedies For Sun Tanned Skin

Check out some of the most effective home remedies to remove tan from your skin (Face & Hand):

  1. Yoghurt and Turmeric:

    Yogurt is a common ingredient that is available in your home. It helps in reducing sun tan by reducing the redness of the skin, cooling it down and tightening it.  In order to treat sun tan, mix chilled yogurt and a pinch of haldi or turmeric together properly in a bowl. Now apply this yogurt paste before bathing on your face, hands and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes. You can also add lime juice and tomato juice to yogurt and use this paste on the affected areas daily for better results.

  2. Honey:

    It is a natural cure to remove tan. Mix a teaspoon of honey with equal quantity of lemon juice, almond paste and milk powder and apply on the tanned area.

  3. Tomato:

    Tomato works like charm in removing tan instantly. Slice tomato into two halves and rub it on the affected skin area, rub along the inner side of the tomato so that the tomato juice and seeds comes in contact with the skin directly. Leave for 15 minutes, before rinsing off with cool water.

  4. Almonds:

    Almonds helps in removing tan from skin, apart from this it also cleanses, scrubs and helps in skin lightening.  Grind 5 to 10 green almonds into a fine paste and mix it with five drops of sandalwood oil. Apply this almond paste on the affected skin area. If you are not able to get fresh almonds, then soak almonds overnight and follow the similar procedure. Repeat this procedure twice a week for better results.

  5. Papaya:

    Papaya is very good for the skin that helps in anti-aging. It also helps in curing sun tan. Mash the papaya and take the pulp. Now rub the pulp on the tanned skin area and massage it for a while.

  6. Turmeric:

    Turmeric is one of the natural skin care product that helps you in curing almost all skin problems. To treat sun tan, mix turmeric powder with lemon juice and stir properly. Add 1 table spoon of raw milk to turmeric mixture. Apply this paste to your face and hands and leave it until it dries up. To see visible results, rinse it off with cold water.

  7. Lemon juice:

    Lemon juice is an effective remedy for sun tan, as Vitamin C present in lemon helps in lightening the skin and removes tan. Take some lemon juice and apply it directly on the affected area including hands, neck and face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

  8. Cucumber:

    Cucumber works well as a cooling agent and helps you in preventing sun tan. Along with providing a soothing affect to the skin, Vitamin C present in cucumber moisturizes the skin. Take half grated cucumber / cucumber juice and add 2 table spoons of milk or milk powder along with a few drops of lemon juice and mix properly. Apply this mixture to the face and let it dry for some time then wash it with water. For better results apply this mixture weekly once

  9. Bleaching:

    Another effective way to remove tan from skin is bleaching. Potatoes are natural bleaching agents and helps lighten the skin. Cut the potato into slices and put them in fridge. Now take the chilled potato slices apply them on the tanned area, leave it for 30 min and wash it off.

By following the above home remedies you can remove tan easily. Before you follow those remedies you need to take the below precautions to keep your skin safe from sun rays.
  • Try avoiding direct effect of the sun by covering your hands before going out
  • Apply an effective sunscreen on those areas that can’t be covered, in order to protect your skin from sun rays
  • Always keep your skin hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Drinking more water will reduce the risk of skin drying

Damaging Effects Of Alzheimers

Tell Tale Signs Of Alzheimers

Alzheimers disease may be a progressive brain disorder. Its gradual effects on the brain are relentless as a sufferers memory is progressively destroyed and along with it, the aptitude to find out, create judgments, and communicate. The disease will eventually make it troublesome for the sufferer to even perform normal daily tasks to the point of total disappearance of any capability.

It is a very tough circumstance to be in, to look at a family member seemingly “waste away” bit by bit. The sufferers the struggle to maintain some kind of sanity despite the condition is usually an excessive amount of for several relatives in touch that they, sadly, distance themselves from the sufferer instead of giving support.

It really pays to know a lot of regarding Alzheimers and higher understand the condition lest you find yourself or a member of your family in this kind of state of affairs. Knowing the warning signs timely can help you cope up with the disease earlier where there would possibly still be some likelihood at minimizing the damaging effects of Alzheimers. Knowing what to seem for will not only help you however conjointly your friends or loved ones who may additionally have the chances against them in developing the said debilitating disease.

It is of the utmost important to understand a number of the warning signs of Alzheimers. While memory loss is cheap and is an expected symptom of aging, the sort of memory loss symptoms of Alzheimers are significantly greater and are usually accompanied or followed by alternative tell tale symptoms. People suffering this disease usually have problem with general cognitive talents such as communication, thinking, reasoning, comparing, and learning new skills.

Short-term memory is what Alzheimers disease usually affects initial. Sufferers tend to forget family names and even a way to perform straightforward daily tasks. However, long-term memory is somehow attained with Alzheimers disease where some patients might even retain the power of remembering events from the past.

Another sign shown by patients laid low with Alzheimers disease is that the gradual loss of verbal communication skills. Rather than speaking up, sufferers will begin to communicate their feelings, preferences and needs through body language and facial expressions more frequently. Perception is another space that may be tormented by Alzheimers disease.

It may be tough to line up a transparent be-careful call level as a number of the symptoms exhibited by Alzheimers sufferers would possibly simply be a half of traditional behavior. Such symptoms might even be related to another ailment entirely. But once you see such signs being exhibited by someone near to you or someone that you know, you should never be quick to rule out Alzheimers as a possible reason. Here are the ten basic warning signs for Alzheimers to always look out for:

•Gradual loss of memory
•Issue performing straightforward everyday tasks
•Problems with language
•Declining judgment
•Inability to perform complicated mental tasks
•Misplacing sure everyday things
•Noticeable behavioral changes
•Increased confusion, worry and suspicion
•Loss of initiative

As of this there arent any Alzheimers treatments that can totally cure, stop or reverse the onset of the disease or its gradual progression. What doctors will do is strive to treat several of the disease symptoms like loss of memory. The smart news is that as new discoveries about the disease are being made, it wont be long before effective Alzheimers treatments will be made on the market.

Strive to consult with a professional physician so as to assist eliminate some symptoms that may appear as if true Alzheimers and to effectively distinguish between the various other causes of dementia, some of which are utterly treatable.

Rabu, 23 April 2014

20 tips that can change your health and help lose weight!

Drink Water

One of the biggest common denominators for people who lost over 50 pounds is they all switched over to drinking water. They gave up the sodas and sugary drinks and instead quenched their thirst with water. This tip alone helped hundreds of people lose weight.

Keep a Food Journal

Write down everything that goes into your mouth. Most people were surprised to see how much they were actually eating. It wasnt until they wrote it down that they began to realize the cause and effect of what they were putting into their bodies.

Count Calories

What a boring a tedious job, but probably one of the most effective undertakings for losing weight. There is no getting around calorie balance. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less than you burn.

Control Portion Sizes

In our super-sized food culture, portion sizes have gotten out of control. Eating portions the size of your fist is a good start towards controlling your food intake. Don’t feel like you always need to finish off all the food on your plate. Leaving a couple bites will teach you self-control.

Don’t Diet

The best “diet” is the one that best fits into your lifestyle. Once you find that, it’s no longer a diet – it’s just a way of life. One of the best healthy weight loss tips people sent in was to approach weight loss as a lifestyle change, and not as a diet. Once you get it out of your head that there’s an end date, you can start focusing on the day-to-day realities of living a healthy lifestyle. Being fit is not a destination – it’s a way of life.

Be Consistent

No one is perfect. We are all going to make mistakes. However, successful people are consistently living a healthy lifestyle. Over a period of time, they are eating healthy 90% of the time, and they are exercising several times a week.  Make exercise and healthy eating part of your everyday routine and soon it will be as second nature as brushing your teeth.


A healthy lifestyle takes planning. Most mistakes occur from a lack of a plan. Plan your meals in advance so you know what to buy every week at the grocery store. Only buy what you plan on eating, and try to cook your meals ahead of time. The simple nature of reheat and eat makes it much more likely that you’ll stay on track.

Make Small Changes

Make small changes consistently until they are habit and you no longer have to think about it, and then make another change. There’s no need to completely change your lifestyle all at once. You’ll be much more likely to stick with your new healthy lifestyle if you make small changes. Try changing one thing at a time.

Educate Yourself

Learn the whys. Don’t just do something because someone said to. Understand the purpose behind it. Many people just want a meal plan or blueprint to follow for weight loss. However, the successful people that lost weight and kept it off long term started taking an interest in how nutrition and exercise impact their bodies. They learned the “whys” behind what they were doing, and they were more successful because of it.

Get Active

Nearly everyone who lost over 50 pounds added in some form of physical activity. Even if it was just a little bit, the fact that they were more active helped them lose the weight. The trick is to find an activity you enjoy. Not everyone likes the same exercise. Find an activity you love to do, and then push yourself out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

You’re going to mess up. We all do. Successful people don’t beat themselves up over it. They get right back on track. They don’t wait until tomorrow to do so either. Their healthy lifestyle and weight loss continues to move forward and make progress because they allow themselves to make mistakes, learn from them, and then end up stronger as a result.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

We are highly influenced by the people close to us. Many successful people had to move forward with their lives and leave old friends and lifestyles behind. It was a hard decision to make, but they understood how important it was to surround themselves with people who believed in their dreams.


How do you expect to accomplish your goals if you never start trying to achieve them? Beginning is half the challenge. Don’t be afraid of failure. People who lost over 50 pounds stopped waiting for things to happen, and went out and made things happen.

Stop Making Excuses

Successful people made the shift and realized that the reasons for why they weren’t reaching their weight loss goals were actually just excuses. It was a hard idea to accept, but once they were honest with themselves, they spent less time making excuses, and more time finding ways to accomplish their goals.

Do It For Yourself

Make ME #1. Lose weight for Me, not because of pressure from other people. We all have our own reasons for wanting to lose weight, but a common denominator amongst the healthy weight loss tips sent in was that the successful people undertook their new lifestyle because they wanted to. They weren’t pressured into weight loss by friends or family. They did it for themselves, and as a result, they inspired others to do something for themselves too.

Be Patient

You didn’t gain your weight overnight, and you aren’t going to lose it that way either. We all want the weight gone quickly, but once you realize that weight loss is a process, you can stop beating yourself up for not reaching your far-fetched weight loss goals. Stop looking at weight loss as a day to day challenge. If nothing changes, nothing changes. This is a lifetime commitment to changing.

Stay Positive

Negative thoughts lead to negative results. You are the result of what you think. Keeping a positive outtake on your weight loss journey increases the odds of your success. You will learn a lot about yourself during your lifestyle transition. There will be many challenges and difficulties, but it’s important to understand that even though it might not be easy, it will be worth it.

Discover Your Relationship With Food

Why are you eating bad? Make the connection between your eating habits and your emotions. Get to the root of your negative lifestyle choices. Know when your body needs food and when it wants food, and find new ways to reward yourself other than with food.

Don’t Try to Be Perfect

If your goal is to be perfect, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. No one is perfect. Even the people who seem to have the most perfect bodies didn’t get there by being perfect. Perfection is something many strive for, but ultimately something they will never achieve. Do your best!

Never Give Up

Weight loss happens the moment you don’t give up. Many people don’t realize how close they were to achieving success. There comes a time when things just click, but that doesn’t happen until you’re ready to throw in the towel and call it quits. The longer you stick with it, the higher your odds of success. Keep moving forward, and don’t ever give up!

Will Oscars Cost Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto Their Hair

Photo by PR Photos

Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto received Oscar nominations for their roles in The Dallas Buyers Club this week. Both stars went through a physical transformation during filming, McConaughey lost nearly 50 lbs. and Leto reportedly dropped 30 lbs. for their respective roles. 

Their dedication to their characters may earn them both Oscars next month, but the extreme diets that helped them lose the weight can have damaging, and sometimes long-lasting effects on our health, including the health of our hair. What many men and women don’t realize is, these “crash” diets can cause major shedding due to the steep drop in nutrients in the body. Which is why each year starting in February, we tend to see an influx of new patients concerned about sudden hair loss resulting from New Year-inspired crash diets. 

About Crash Diets & Hair Loss: 

  • ‘Crash dieting’ isn’t just bad for the body, it can also lead to temporary hair loss.
  • Four to six weeks after the start of a crash diet, major shedding occurs throughout the crown of the head. 
  • Steep drop in nutrients to the body forces some hair follicles to shed their hair strands and go into a prolonged resting phase during which time no new hairs are grown. 
  • When your body thinks it’s starving, it doesnt make luxury items like hair.
  • Condition is usually temporary, but it can still take six to 10 months for the hair to return back to normal.
  • Caloric, iron and protein deficiencies are among the most common nutritional triggers for unhealthy hair. 
  • Vitamins, especially B, are important to the overall health of your hair and preventing hair loss and thinning.

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Lip Care Tips

Lip care is very important especially when there is a change in season. The skin on your lips is very thin and there are no oil glands to help protect them. Even after applying lip balm regularly, the dry lips hardly cure. So you can do some home remedies to cure dry lips and soften your lips.

Lip Care Tips

  • Avoid exposing your lips to hot water when you take a shower.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoid lipstick as much as you can as certain brands can dry your lips out, causing them to eventually crack.
  • Avoid licking your lips. Licking your lips will actually dry it out and not moisturize it
  • Keep lips well lubricated at all times and this means at bedtime as well.
  • Always apply a natural lip balm to protect your lips. Applying it before applying lipsticks will prevent your lips from dryness and exfoliation.
Home Remedies to Soften Lips:
  • Take a drop of honey and gently massage on your dry lips. Honey moisturizes and softens your lips and prevents it from cracking.
  • Take ½ grated apples and 1 tsp of unsalted butted. Mix and spread on your lips for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
  • Take 1 tsp of brown sugar and 1 tsp of olive oil. Mix and massage into lips for about 30 seconds, rinse and finish with lip balm.

Olivia Munn Admits Trichotillomania

"Photo by PR Photos"

Actress Olivia Munns career seems to be taking off, but it appears the stress of stardom is taking its toll on the beauty.

Munn recently opened up about her struggles with Trichotillomania, an impulse control and anxiety disorder, which can cause those afflicted to pull out hair from any part of their body, including the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. She was quoted telling The New York Daily News, “I don’t bite my nails, but I rip out my eyelashes.”

Frequent hair-pulling traumatizes the follicles and can lead to permanent hair loss. Trichotillomania often leads to the total loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, in addition to bald spots in the scalp. The permanent hair loss can make it difficult for recovered trichotillomaniacs to return to a normal life. But there are treatment options available that can help these patients regain a natural look once their condition has been successfully treated, including:

  • "Eyelash transplantation": A new surgical procedure that creates new living, growing eyelashes by transplanting hair from the scalp into the upper eyelids. Doctors can implant up to 100 new lashes per eye in a single session.
  • "Eyebrow transplantation": Delicate single-follicle transplant procedure that recreates the eyebrows by imitating the unique angle and position of the original hair follicles. The popular technique has been described by Dr. Alan Bauman in multiple lectures and publications, include three widely popular hair transplant textbooks on hair transplantation including "Hair Transplantation" by Avram/Rogers, and "Hair Transplantation 5th Edition", edited by Unger/Shapiro.
  • "Follicular-unit extraction": Minimally invasive, micro-surgical hair restoration procedure that uses tiny donor sites (as opposed to larger "strips" in micro-grafting) to transplant new follicles into balding areas of the scalp or eyebrows.

In many cases, trichotillomania has been successfully treated by Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy.  If you are suffering or recovering from trichotillomania, contact a ABHRS-certified hair restoration physician to help you determine which hair restoration procedure or treatment is right for you.

Senin, 21 April 2014

Health is the thing

Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health.

So what adds health into your life? I have boiled it down to 7 simple things.

1. Listening to your inner knowing - that gut feeling, instinctual response type knowing everyone has - listen to it
2. Rest - and not just sleeping, actually resting, which can be sleep.
3. Breathing Fresh Air - breathe in fresh air deep and fully every day
4. Food and Water - everyone is different, make sure whatever you choose to eat or drink is fresh and pure. No one diet is right for every one.
5. Sunlight - get healthy amounts of it
6. Activity - both physical and mental activity. The best form of activity is the one you will actually do. And it doesnt have to be the same thing every day.
7. Consciousness - being conscious or aware as you are doing all of the above and living your life

10 Amazing Home Remedies For Vomiting

home remedies for vomiting
One of the most common problems faced by adults as well as children, vomiting is a natural reflux of the body as a reaction to some conditions or diseases of the body.
It results in forcible expulsion of the contents inside the stomach as a result of the stomach contracting. It is the body’s way of expelling the toxic substances that causes irritation.
Vomiting is not a disease as such, but a number of diseases and disorders can cause vomiting. Few of the causes could be gastroenteritis, food poisoning, pregnancy, over eating etc. Though one feels extremely unpleasant when the feeling of vomiting arises, it must never be suppressed as the body could be trying to eliminate something that could be dangerous.  Suppressing vomiting could be more annoying than vomiting and feeling relieved.
It is very important to treat the symptoms associated with vomiting, especially in children as it could lead to severe dehydration due to loss of fluids and electrolyte imbalance.
If vomiting persists and the condition of the person deteriorates, seek medical attention without wasting any time. There are a number of home remedies that you can administer for stopping bouts of vomiting and making the individual feel much better.

Home Remedies For Vomiting

Drink Plenty Of Water 

Severe bouts of vomiting can be dangerous for the body. Loss of water from the body can lead to intense dehydration and resultant symptoms. In order to prevent the body from getting dehydrated, drink plenty of water so that your fluid balance will remain intact.
As vomiting is body’s natural way to remove the waste build up in the body, you are also facilitating the process by drinking plenty of water and flushing out the toxins. Probably, this could be all that you need for stopping your vomiting.

Take Some Ginger 

home remedies for vomiting
Ginger is known to cure a number of stomach irritations and pain. It is also anti spasmodic in nature which is all you need for putting an end to vomiting.  Crush a ginger piece of about 1” and add a glass of water to it. Steep the water for 10-15 minutes and drink it for immediate success in stopping the natural reflux.

Chew Some Mint Leaves And Get Relieved From Vomiting

Go and fetch some mint leaves from the garden and chew on it if you cannot control your vomiting sensation anymore.  Mint is capable of removing any kind of irritation in the intestine and the esophagus. It is also capable of destroying the germs present in the stomach which could probably be the reason for your vomiting in the first place.

Eating Cloves 

Cloves are used for treating symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of cloves and boil along with one cup of water. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes. Strain the water and drink whenever you feel like vomiting. The aroma and flavour of cloves too can create immediate relief from vomiting.

Stop Vomiting  With Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon sticks can make a great difference to your feeling of vomiting. If the vomiting is caused due to indigestion, cinnamon can help in aiding proper digestion and prevent vomiting. During an episode of indigestion the intestinal tract will be irritated and you may feel nauseous as well.
Take half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and boil along with a cup of water. Drink this for relief from vomiting and the associated symptoms.


Onion juice can be used for treating vomiting. Extract a teaspoon of onion juice and drink it as soon as you start feeling like vomiting. Onion juice can be mixed with ginger juice to make it more strong as both these ingredients will exert their individual potency on your body and emerge winners.

7. Sugar And Salt For Repairing The Electrolyte Imbalance

Continuous vomiting can be dangerous as it can remove essential nutrients from the body and create fluid imbalance. A simple remedy that can remove these problems is to use sugar and salt mixture. Take a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Add this to a glass of water and drink it. This will make sure that your imbalances are corrected and your vomiting stops.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Treating Vomiting Sensation

home remedies for vomiting
The bacteria causing the vomiting will have to be removed from the intestine in order to facilitate complete healing and stop the vomiting fully. What better remedy for it than apple cider vinegar!  Apple cider vinegar has anti microbial qualities which put in on a pedestal higher than the other remedies.
Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add a cup of water to it. Drink this once and see the effect on the vomiting. Do this until your vomiting stops completely. Once the vomiting stops, you can be sure that the germs are taken care of.

Drink Lemon Juice For Stopping Vomiting

Lemon juice is fortified with all the right vitamins and minerals that can halt vomiting with a single dose. Vitamin C, proteins, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B and other nutrients are great ways by which you can revive the energy that is lost after a fit of vomiting.

Fennel For Relieving Vomiting

Fennel is capable of eliminating the bacterial action in the stomach and intestines, thereby eliminating loose motions and releasing the tense intestinal muscles. Take a cup of water and add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to it. Boil in low flame for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink which will give the perfect solution.
While using these home remedies, one must also take great care to avoid solid food as this would aggravate the problem if the vomiting is due to indigestion. Fresh fruit juices and water must be consumed in abundance to remain hydrated. However, it’s a better idea to avoid milk and other dairy products when you have vomiting.
You must also refrain from oily and junk food and drinks that are caffeinated, alcohol and milk products.