Senin, 21 April 2014

10 Amazing Home Remedies For Vomiting

home remedies for vomiting
One of the most common problems faced by adults as well as children, vomiting is a natural reflux of the body as a reaction to some conditions or diseases of the body.
It results in forcible expulsion of the contents inside the stomach as a result of the stomach contracting. It is the body’s way of expelling the toxic substances that causes irritation.
Vomiting is not a disease as such, but a number of diseases and disorders can cause vomiting. Few of the causes could be gastroenteritis, food poisoning, pregnancy, over eating etc. Though one feels extremely unpleasant when the feeling of vomiting arises, it must never be suppressed as the body could be trying to eliminate something that could be dangerous.  Suppressing vomiting could be more annoying than vomiting and feeling relieved.
It is very important to treat the symptoms associated with vomiting, especially in children as it could lead to severe dehydration due to loss of fluids and electrolyte imbalance.
If vomiting persists and the condition of the person deteriorates, seek medical attention without wasting any time. There are a number of home remedies that you can administer for stopping bouts of vomiting and making the individual feel much better.

Home Remedies For Vomiting

Drink Plenty Of Water 

Severe bouts of vomiting can be dangerous for the body. Loss of water from the body can lead to intense dehydration and resultant symptoms. In order to prevent the body from getting dehydrated, drink plenty of water so that your fluid balance will remain intact.
As vomiting is body’s natural way to remove the waste build up in the body, you are also facilitating the process by drinking plenty of water and flushing out the toxins. Probably, this could be all that you need for stopping your vomiting.

Take Some Ginger 

home remedies for vomiting
Ginger is known to cure a number of stomach irritations and pain. It is also anti spasmodic in nature which is all you need for putting an end to vomiting.  Crush a ginger piece of about 1” and add a glass of water to it. Steep the water for 10-15 minutes and drink it for immediate success in stopping the natural reflux.

Chew Some Mint Leaves And Get Relieved From Vomiting

Go and fetch some mint leaves from the garden and chew on it if you cannot control your vomiting sensation anymore.  Mint is capable of removing any kind of irritation in the intestine and the esophagus. It is also capable of destroying the germs present in the stomach which could probably be the reason for your vomiting in the first place.

Eating Cloves 

Cloves are used for treating symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of cloves and boil along with one cup of water. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes. Strain the water and drink whenever you feel like vomiting. The aroma and flavour of cloves too can create immediate relief from vomiting.

Stop Vomiting  With Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon sticks can make a great difference to your feeling of vomiting. If the vomiting is caused due to indigestion, cinnamon can help in aiding proper digestion and prevent vomiting. During an episode of indigestion the intestinal tract will be irritated and you may feel nauseous as well.
Take half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and boil along with a cup of water. Drink this for relief from vomiting and the associated symptoms.


Onion juice can be used for treating vomiting. Extract a teaspoon of onion juice and drink it as soon as you start feeling like vomiting. Onion juice can be mixed with ginger juice to make it more strong as both these ingredients will exert their individual potency on your body and emerge winners.

7. Sugar And Salt For Repairing The Electrolyte Imbalance

Continuous vomiting can be dangerous as it can remove essential nutrients from the body and create fluid imbalance. A simple remedy that can remove these problems is to use sugar and salt mixture. Take a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Add this to a glass of water and drink it. This will make sure that your imbalances are corrected and your vomiting stops.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Treating Vomiting Sensation

home remedies for vomiting
The bacteria causing the vomiting will have to be removed from the intestine in order to facilitate complete healing and stop the vomiting fully. What better remedy for it than apple cider vinegar!  Apple cider vinegar has anti microbial qualities which put in on a pedestal higher than the other remedies.
Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add a cup of water to it. Drink this once and see the effect on the vomiting. Do this until your vomiting stops completely. Once the vomiting stops, you can be sure that the germs are taken care of.

Drink Lemon Juice For Stopping Vomiting

Lemon juice is fortified with all the right vitamins and minerals that can halt vomiting with a single dose. Vitamin C, proteins, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B and other nutrients are great ways by which you can revive the energy that is lost after a fit of vomiting.

Fennel For Relieving Vomiting

Fennel is capable of eliminating the bacterial action in the stomach and intestines, thereby eliminating loose motions and releasing the tense intestinal muscles. Take a cup of water and add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to it. Boil in low flame for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink which will give the perfect solution.
While using these home remedies, one must also take great care to avoid solid food as this would aggravate the problem if the vomiting is due to indigestion. Fresh fruit juices and water must be consumed in abundance to remain hydrated. However, it’s a better idea to avoid milk and other dairy products when you have vomiting.
You must also refrain from oily and junk food and drinks that are caffeinated, alcohol and milk products.

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