Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

More Than 2kg Body Fat in 4 Days Manic Exercise and a 4 Day x 5 000kcal Energy Deficit on Whey or Sucrose Based Starvation Diet Yield Astonishingly Long Lasting Fat Loss

Actually, even cherry tomatoes were not allowed in the first 4 days ;-)
Wow! If thats what you thought, when you read the figure in the headline you know what I thought, when I spotted the latest paper from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the "ahead of print" section of the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (Calbet. 2014).

I mean, the title of the study, "a time-efficient reduction of fat mass in 4 days with exercise and caloric restriction", sounds pretty harmless. Too harmless for what happened to the 15 subjects the researchers recruited for an experiment that was almost as extreme as its astonishing results.

Wake up, work out, starve and sleep

I would say the above summarizes pretty well what I was referring to, when I said "something happened to the subjects" in the first 4 days of the study, the 15 not exactly lean study participants (mean BMI ~30kg/m²; body fat 31%) started their days with 45min of an arm cranking exercise (at 15% maximal intensity; see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the different phases of the diet + exercise intervention (Calbet. 2014)
When they were done, they spend most of the remaining waking hours day walking - 8 h of walking at 4.5 km/h (35 km/day) 4 days in a row and on a diet delivering meager 3.2 kcal/kg body weight from a shake that contained either pure whey protein or pure sucrose.

This cant really be the whey to go? Right?

What sounds like some mad survival program did, as you can see in Figure 1, produce quite impressive weight loss effects. Unfortunately, this is "weight", as in fat and muscle and that at an almost 1:1 ratio - certainly not the type of "weight loss" any of you should strive for.
Figure 2: Lean mass (left) and fat mass (right) development during the four phases of the intervention (Calbet. 2014)
Now, the fat rebound in the sucrose group would initially suggest that your gut feeling was right. Eventually, its yet unlikely that this was more than a mere coincidence and the shocking loss in lean mass that occurred during the 4-day of manic dieting + walking, normalized withing days, when when the subjects returned to their regular energy intakes (+ obligatory 10,000 steps a day).

The latter obviously suggests that most of the "muscle loss" was actually water + glycogen and thus easy to restore (see Figure 3, right, as well).
Suggested Read: "Cell Swelling Keeps Muscles "Pumped" For More Than 52h - Could It Even Help You Build Muscle?" | read more
Lean mass can be tissue, water and glycogen: Early "muscle loss" is mostly water + glycogen (esp. on low carb diets; Kreitzman. 1992). In view of older studies on the muscle-building mechanisms of creatine (Persky. 2001) and the latest research on the involvement of muscular (hyper-)hydration in skeletal muscle hypertrophy Ribero et al. (2014), the loss of water and glycogen - as benign and as far as the glycogen goes, even metabolically beneficial (leaves room to store glucose ➲ improves insulin sensitiviy) as it may be - could hamper your gains.
What I cannot explain - at least not without telling you that my answer is of hypothetical nature and would thus require experimental confirmation - are the impressive long(er)-term weight loss effects.
Usually you would expect the subjects to jojo back up, right away - in the worst case to body fat levels that are higher than those nasty 31%, where they were initially coming from. If you take a look at Figure 3, its yet plain to see that the opposite was the case.
Figure 3: Progressive changes in body fat and lean mass (in kg) over the course of the study period (Calbet. 2014)
In spite of the fact that the subjects returned to their regular energy intakes, they lost an additional body fat - at quite an impressive rate, by the way. Now, an as previously mentioned hypothetical explanation for these observations is the use of body fat as a substrate and energy source to refill the previously mentioned glycogen stores in muscle and liver.

Even if we take into consideration that the release (lipolysis) and oxidation of fats and the storage of glucose from dietary carbohydrates (its not impossible (Kaleta. 2012), but unlikely that the stored body fat is used as an energy source for glyconeogenesis) in form of glycogen are energetically costly, the 2,000kcal would equal no more than max. 300g of stored body fat, which is more than the additional 450g even the whey protein group dropped during the 4-day aftermath.
Thats quite astonishing: Would you have expected that this "4-days of madness" diet would generate a total fat loss of -3.8kg (2.8kg of those from the potentially life-threatening trunk fat) and thus produce an outcome of which the researchers rightly say that it "is better than several interventions combining low-calorie diets and exercise lasting from 12 weeks to 1 year (Garrow. 1995; Shaw. 2009)" and bet the largest randomized control trial for the response to 8-month resistance training, aerobic training, or combined aerobic and resistance training (Willis et al., 2012)? Certainly not, right?

Figure 4: Weight loss (not fat loss!) maintenance in Calbet et al. and the average US dieter according to a meta-analysis by Anderson et al. (2001)
Well, considering the fat that the mean fat loss here is greater than that achieved by the latest pharmacological intervention, i.e. the administration of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists for 20 weeks (which gave a weighted mean loss of 2.9 kg in 21 trials involving 6411 participants; Vilsboll. 2012), I am actually happy that there was a one year follow up to show that a short-term intervention can never replace permanent life-style changes... although, when you look at the whey protein group, who regained a meager 1.09kg in Phase V and thus significantly less than the 50-80% the average subject on a medically supervised weight loss diets (Anderson. 2001; see Figure 4), I do have to admit this is not just surprising.

This is damn impressive, even if the comparison is unfair, due to longer follow ups in the average study in Andersons meta-analysis. Still, there is one thing I would like to see before Id recommend this type of diet to anyone who doesnt have to lose another 2kg of fat before a physique show or photoshoot at the end of the week: A comparison of the health benefits of successful whey-based(!) crash dieting.
  • Anderson, James W., et al. "Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies." The American journal of clinical nutrition 74.5 (2001): 579-584.
  • Calbet, J. A. L., et al. "A time-efficient reduction of fat mass in 4 days with exercise and caloric restriction." Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. (2014). Accepted Manuscript. doi: 10.1111/sms.12194 
  • Garrow, J. S., and C. D. Summerbell. "Meta-analysis: effect of exercise, with or without dieting, on the body composition of overweight subjects." European journal of clinical nutrition 49.1 (1995): 1-10.
  • Kaleta, Christoph, Luís F. de Figueiredo, and Stefan Schuster. "Against the stream: relevance of gluconeogenesis from fatty acids for natives of the arctic regions." International journal of circumpolar health 71 (2012).
  • Kreitzman, Stephen N., Ann Y. Coxon, and Kalman F. Szaz. "Glycogen storage: illusions of easy weight loss, excessive weight regain, and distortions in estimates of body composition." The American journal of clinical nutrition 56.1 (1992): 292S-293S.
  • Persky, Adam M., and Gayle A. Brazeau. "Clinical pharmacology of the dietary supplement creatine monohydrate." Pharmacological Reviews 53.2 (2001): 161-176.
  • Ribeiro, Alex S., et al. "Resistance training promotes increase in intracellular hydration in men and women." European journal of sport science ahead-of-print (2014): 1-8. 
  • Shaw, K., et al. "Exercise for overweight or obesity." Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4 (2006).
  • Vilsbøll, Tina, et al. "Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on weight loss: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials." BMJ: British Medical Journal 344 (2012).
  • Willis, Leslie H., et al. "Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults." Journal of Applied Physiology 113.12 (2012): 1831-1837.

There Foods That Can Make Poisoned

Not deliberate, but did we have to be careful because around us many delicious foods that make the body turns poisoned.

Effects of food poisoning are diverse, but generally only mild symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, hives or diarrhea.

Well, what foods can cause poisoned? Heres the list, as quoted from IndiaTimes.com.


Not all eggs can cause poisoned, because the egg is actually a healthy diet. However, there are some eggs contaminated by bacteria such as Salmonella, which can cause poisoned.

Especially if the eggs are consumed raw or undercooked, toxic reactions to begin. Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting to gastrointestinal infections can be very distracting you.

Therefore, it is advisable to always cook eggs before consumption.

Tuna fish

Like the egg, not all tuna is poisonous. Only scombrotoxin contaminated tuna that can cause a person a headache and cramp.

Scombrotoxin can arise when tuna is not directly stored in a cool place or stored on ice. If the tuna in the hot conditions, then these toxins can be released. In fact, the bacteria are hard to kill even after the tuna finished cooked.

For that, make sure to buy fresh tuna and immediately wash and store them in the fridge if not immediately processed into food.


Oysters can cause poisoned when water became  living environment contaminated with toxic. Generally, contaminated oyster color and texture will change.


Potato poisoned may be a rare thing. However, it does not mean no one has ever experienced.

This Poisoning is generally caused when you eat raw potatoes. Potatoes should be cooked first when it will be consumed. Even if the potatoes to be given to livestock are also still need to be processed first.


Cheese is a milk product that is very rich in calcium and protein. But cheese is easily contaminated with bacteria, such as Listeria Salmonellaor. Where these bacteria can cause a pregnant woman miscarried.

This causes doctors advise to avoid the cheese menu-kejuan during pregnancy. Especially the blue veined cheese, camembert, brie and feta.

Even if it turns out there is always a nutrient rich possibilities of nutritious food can also cause poisoned. For that, guys, always be careful in choosing food. Prioritizing quality rather than quantity when shopping.

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Magnesium Round Up Know If You Are Deficient Whether You Need More Where to Find It How Dietary Mg Contents Changed How Magnesium Interacts W Vitamin D

24%, 23% and 22% of the DV for magnesium thats what you can find in one serving of sunflower seeds (0.25cup), halibut (4oz) and a large(r) banana - now you tell me it was impossible to get your magnesium from dietary sources.
After having handled half of the Science Round-Up from Thursday yesterday, yesterday, there is still something left to serve: seconds to the seconds, if you will and probably not so "new" as the average SuppVersity news. In order not to bore you, I will yet refrain from telling you how important magnesium is and how it is involved in thousands of enzymatic reactions ... you know the whole magnesium-guru-spiel all too well, anyway. I mean, anyone doing a cursory Google search will have to conclude that there is nothing magnesium cannot cure, right?. Whatever you may suffer from, someone has already found out that it must be related to magnesium deficiency or, even more profitable, taking the wrong form of magnesium supplements.

Apropos deficiency: How do you even know you are deficient?

What sounds like a question that could be answered in one, at best two sentences turns out to be one of the root causes of the whole confusion about magnesium. Based on a standard blood test you can only exclude that your levels are (a) so high or (b) so low that you better head straight to the emergency room. Magnesium is, just as the other electrolytes, simply too important for your body to have them drop below a certain margin in which your heart works optimally. So if there is not enough magnesium around, your body will tap into tissue stores the status of which is obviously not identical to the serum levels on a standard lab test.
Table 1:The lions share of magnesium to replete your serum levels is not coming from your red blood cells and therefore RBC levels are only a proxy and not a 100% reliable marker of total body mg status (data based on Elin. 1987)

According to Maurice J. Arnaud who wrote a review with the telling title "Update on the assessment of magnesium status" in 2008, the most reliable method to assess the whole body magnesium status would be a metabolic ward study in the course of which a so-called "loading test" would be performed, But...
"[b]alance studies are time consuming, labour intensive and need well trained staff. They are often performed in a metabolic unit and require complete urine and faecal collections; therefore it is not a method that can be applied as a routine test for the evaluation of Mg status. Loading tests are simplified balance studies where absorption is supposed not to be disturbed when Mg is given orally so that body retention is calculated from urine elimination. Mg administration during a loading test can be either oral or intravenous and it is important that the subjects have normal kidney function. Urine is collected for 24 hours following administration of the Mg load as Mg excretion by the kidney has been shown to have a circadian rhythm . Under these conditions, the loading test is supposed to be a reliable indicator of Mg status." (Arnaud. 2008)
With the erythrocyte (red blood cell) test for magnesium, there is however an alternative available, which may not be just as reliable but appears to show a relatively high correlation with whole body magnesium levels in many, but not all studies (Malon. 2004).

How likely is it that you are deficient?

Honestly, I would hope that it is unlikely, because if that is the case for someone who is not taking supplemental magnesium you can almost be sure that her or she is following a healthy whole foods diet.
Table 2: Overview of age groups with more than 5 % of intakes below the lowest recommended intake levels in 7 European countries; T, toddlers (1–3 years (both sexes)); C, children (4–10 years); Y, youth (11–17 years); A, adults (18–60 years); S, seniors (.60 years); capitals, both sexes; lower case, women only; lower case italic, men only (Mensik. 2013)
If you take a look at table 2 you will see that even the average German gets enough magnesium in his diet, irrespective of his age, and much contrary to our neighbors in the East, West and Northwest (I could not resist to mark zinc another of those purported minerals of which conventional wisdom tells you that you simply cannot get enough from your diet).

Knowing that most of you are probably Americans, I can calm you down. You are not worse than your British friends. In fact, the NHANES data from 1999-2000 suggests that the average American Caucasian and Mexican man below 50 gets enough magnesium from his food only! Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the women, and both male and female African Americans who have trouble meeting their requirements even if one accounts for the additional magnesium from supplements (NHANES).

Magnesium and the athlete

A note on magnesium and cramps: While there is evidence that altered serum osmolality and altered serum electrolyte concentrations, notably hypochloraemia, hyponatraemia, and hypocalcaemia (=not hypomagnesaemia) can cause generalized skeletal muscle cramping at rest in specific clinical settings, "data from well-conducted prospective cohort studies show that athletes with acute EAMC are not hyponatraemic, hypochloraemic, or hypocalcaemic and do not have an abnormal serum osmolality." (Schwellnus. 2008).
For the average athlete, a low magnesium intake is yet rather the exception and can even be problematic for athletes with a high anaerobic-to-aerobic ratio who suffer from increases in blood mg due to an overall reduction on blood volume after intense workouts, anyway (Cordova. 1992; Joborn. 1985; Monteiro. 2005; Monteiro. 2006). It is thus no wonder that not magnesium deficiencies, but high magensium levels are a problem that is commonly observed in athletes. I mean, what are you supposed to do, when even your mother "lies" to you about cramps being caused by magnesium deficiency?
"The most common alterations were higher serum phosphate (29/61, 47%) and magnesium concentrations (28/61, 46%). Abnormalities of serum phosphorus and magnesium concentrations were detected in almost half of the athletes. Hyperphosphataemia and hypermagnesaemia were the most common abnormalities." (Malliaropoulos. 2012)
The data Malliaropoulos et al. analyzed came from 130 elite track and field athletes (65 males and 65 females, age range 20-30 years) from the National Athletics Sports Medicine Center database in Thessaloniki, Greece. And maybe some of them were even on the proven non-ergogenic ZMA (zinc + magnesium + vitamin B6; cf. Wilborn. 2004).

So where do you get your supplemental magnesium from and how much?

I am not going to tell you to stop supplementing with magnesium if you feel that this has done you good in the past. It is after all an important mineral. What I want to remind you of is yet the fact that taking 100% of the RDA is imho the absolute maximum. Even if you dont end up with high levels due to supplementing more and dont care about wasting money, there is one thing thats commonly overlooked about human physiology and that is how the intake and excretion of nutrients are highly inter-related. In other words, if your body switches into a "get rid of magnesium" mode it is likely you are loosing other electrolytes you do not supplement in copious amounts (e.g. salt ;-), as well.
Figure 1: Plasma an bone (primary axis) as well as red blood cell (RBC; 2ndary axis(!)) content after 14 days of supplementation with identical amounts of magnesium in different organic and inorganic forms (Coudray. 2005)
As far as the best forms are concerned the number of studies comparing multiple forms to each other is limited and the inter-comparison of different studies not really legit. Therefore I have simply copied + pasted the figure that went with a previous article on the matter - as you can see, you can generally use whatever form of magnesium you want - even the cheap oxides, which worked wonders for anxiety ridden ladies in a study by De Souza et al. that was published in the Journal of Womens Health & Gender-Based Medicine in March 2000. As long as you take your magnesium supplements in reasonably low doses - the dose in the De Souza study for example was 200mg + 50mg B6 - and over a long enough period, they are going to bring your levels back up - if not sooner, then later.

Magnesium depletion of our foods

A note on topical Epsom salt from the early 20th century: While I did tell you on the show that I could not find peer-reviewed adequately powered studies on the topical absorption of magnesium in the for of mg oil or Epsom salt, I found a comment in a 1915 paper on the potential harm caused by cosmetics quite enlightening, esp. the part on the economic value of respective products, where Martin I. Wilber writes that the ability of respective products to penetrate the "unbroken skin has as yet not been demonstrated" and cautions against the sue "of the now widely advertised lotions containing magnesium sulphate or Epsom salt", of which "the latter preparations serve very well to show the gullability of that portion of the public that is desirous of improving its facial appearance. As Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate can usually be purchased for 5 cents a pound, while in the form of any one of the popular skin or wrinkle lotions it is sold at the rate of from $2 to $4 a pound." (Wilbert. 1915) You see, there were snake,... ah I mean mg oil vendors all over the place even 100 years ago ;-)
Aside from the almost cult-like worship of epsom salt baths and topical ng oils, the notion of a general depletion of mg in the foods we eat is one of the favorites among the bazillion of websites run by people who hoax you to believe they were concerned with your physical health, when all they are concerned with is their own financial health.
Figure 2: Changes in mineral content of selected food types from 1940-2002 (Thomas. 2007)
It is, as the data in figure 2 goes to show you true that the amount of magnesium in many of the foods we consume is lower these days than it was amidst WW2. The mg loss in meats, for example, is  driven by the processing, while corned beef has lost almost 50% of its "original" mg content, the amount of mg in roast beef and steaks is still the same, the one in turkey is even up by ~30% and for chicken it remained 100% stable (Thomas. 2007). It is also a very intriguing coincidence that the same websites will usually also tell you how we are all not just magnesium deficient, but also copper toxic. Strange in view of the fact that the average reduction in copper is -62% and thus >2x higher than that of magnesium.

Magnesium supplementation for special conditions

Before closing this round-up with a bottom line, I am briefly listing a couple of things related to magnesium or rather a deficiency in this important mineral that could be solved by simply upping your dietary and/or supplemental magnesium intake.
  • Higher vitamin D levels increase MG uptake from the gut and supplementation with VD has been shown to increase mg in obese, yet not in normal individuals (Farhanghi. 2009). On the other hand, mg has recently been found to be necessary for the production of calcitriol from 25OHD (Matsuzaki. 2013)
    anxiety - mg is the gate-keeper at the NMDA receptor and interacts with the GABA receptors; a deficiency can cause anxiety, the use of extra magnesium will yet not automatically solve the problem if you are not low to begin with
  • depression - low cellular mg levels can precipitate if not cause depression(-like) symptoms, 150-300mg of magnesium glycinate or better taurinate can help (Eby. 2006)
  • low vitamin D - while it is not yet sure if it helps with upping the storage form of vitamin D (25OHD), it has been recently established that magnesium is necessary for the production of calcitriol the active form of vitamin D; adequate levels of D also facilitate mg absorption very high levels of vitamin D, on the other hand, have been associated with low / imbalanced mg levels - probably due to their effects on calcium homestasis
  • constant stress / burnout - initially low mg levels will lead to a hyper activity of the stress-axis within the HPTA; the constantly overtaxed CNS will then give in and you will end up totally burned out (Sartori. 2011); this state cannot be reversed by magnesium supplementation, alone, but it can aid the recovery process which is largely based on taking off of everything that stresses you
Whether or not simply eating more high magnesium foods will be enough or whether you actually have to buy supplements to work on these and other issues will also depend on whether
  • you can digest / absorb it, which would be hampered due to vomiting, diarrhea, bowel resection, intestinal and biliary fistulas or hemorrhagic pancreatitis
  • lose too much mg over the kidneys, due to chronic parental fluid therapy, osmotic diuiresis, hypercalcemia, diuretics, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, pentamidine, cisplatin, cyclosporine, alcohol metabolic acidosis (ketosis, starvation, alcoholism), renal diseases, or
  • suffer from endocrine disorders like primary or secondary aldosteronism, diabetes, hyperthyroidism or hyperparathyroidism
If anything of these sounds familiar, I would certainly consider testing my mg levels (erythrocyte test) before and while I was supplementing and thats not about wasting money on potentially unnecessary supplements, but much more about making sure that you actually get, absorb and retain enough magnesium.

Bottom line: Magnesium is certainly an important mineral, but its effects must not be seen in isolation, it should not be supplemented in copious amounts in isolation without medical indication and it may not be misunderstood as a natural pharmacological agent - it works by (a) replacing a deficiency or (b) countering an imbalance. Plus: It is not generally impossible to get your 300-400mg of magnesium from your diet.

    • Arnaud MJ. Update on the assessment of magnesium status. Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun;99 Suppl 3:S24-36.  
    • Bohl CH, Volpe SL. Magnesium and exercise. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2002;42(6):533-63. Review.
    • Cordova A. Changes on plasmatic and erythrocytic magnesium levels after high-intensity exercises in men. Physiol Behav1992; 52: 819-21.
    • Eby GA, Eby KL. Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(2):362-70. 
    • Elin RJ. Assessment of magnesium status. Clin Chem. 1987 Nov;33(11):1965-70. Review.
    • Farhanghi MA, Mahboob S, Ostadrahimi A. Obesity induced magnesium deficiency can be treated by vitamin D supplementation. J Pak Med Assoc. 2009 Apr;59(4):258-61. 
    • Joborn H, Akerstrom G, Ljunghall S. Effects of exogenous catecholamines and exercise on plasma magnesium concentrations. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf)1985; 23: 219-26; (Oxf).
    • Malliaropoulos N, Tsitas K, Porfiriadou A, Papalada A, R Ames P, Del Buono A, Lippi G, Maffulli N. Blood phosphorus and magnesium levels in 130 elite track and field athletes. Asian J Sports Med. 2013 Mar;4(1):49-53.
    • Malon A, Brockmann C, Fijalkowska-Morawska J, Rob P, Maj-Zurawska M. Ionized magnesium in erythrocytes--the best magnesium parameter to observe hypo- or hypermagnesemia. Clin Chim Acta. 2004 Nov;349(1-2):67-73.  
    • Matsuzaki H, Katsumata S, Kajita Y, Miwa M. Magnesium deficiency regulates vitamin D metabolizing enzymes and type II sodium-phosphate cotransporter mRNA expression in rats. Magnes Res. 2013 May 1;26(2):83-6.
    • Mensink GB, Fletcher R, Gurinovic M, Huybrechts I, Lafay L, Serra-Majem L, Szponar L, Tetens I, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, Baka A, Stephen AM. Mapping low intake of micronutrients across Europe. Br J Nutr. 2013 Aug;110(4):755-73.   
    • Miriam C. De Souza, Ann F. Walker, Paul A. Robinson, and Kim Bolland. Journal of Womens Health & Gender-Based Medicine. March 2000, 9(2): 131-139.  
    • Monteiro CP. Equilíbrio Oxirredutor: um estudo em nadadores e em não atletas, em repouso e em resposta ao exercício [PhD]. Lisboa: Faculdade de Motricidada Humana, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2005.
    • Monteiro CP, Santa Clara H, Raposo MF,et al. Effect of training and exercise intensity on magnesium status. In: Alpoim C, Vasconcelos Morais P, Santos MA, Cristóvão AJ,
      Centeno JA, Collery P, eds.Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2006: 546-52 
    • Sartori SB, Whittle N, Hetzenauer A, Singewald N. Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and HPA axis dysregulation: modulation by therapeutic drug treatment. Neuropharmacology. 2012 Jan;62(1):304-12. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2011.07.027. Epub 2011 Aug 4.
    • Schwellnus MP. Cause of exercise associated muscle cramps (EAMC)--altered neuromuscular control, dehydration or electrolyte depletion? Br J Sports Med. 2009 Jun;43(6):401-8. 
    • Thomas D. The mineral depletion of foods available to us as a nation (1940-2002)--a review of the 6th Edition of McCance and Widdowson. Nutr Health. 2007;19(1-2):21-55. Review.
    • Wilbert MI. Cosmetics as Drugs: A Review of Some of the Reported Harmful Effects of the Ordinary
      Constituents of Widely Used Cosmetics. Public Health Reports. 1896-1970; 30(42): Oct. 15, 1915. 3059-3066.
    • Wilborn CD, Kerksick CM, Campbell BI, Taylor LW, Marcello BM, Rasmussen CJ, Greenwood MC, Almada A, Kreider RB. Effects of Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA) Supplementation on Training Adaptations and Markers of Anabolism and Catabolism. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2004 Dec 31;1(2):12-20.

How To Improve Blood Circulation

The circulatory system is one of the most important organ systems. Disruption of blood circulation can cause various diseases. Various emerging disease caused by circulatory disorders, such as heart disease, stroke, etc. Organs that including the circulatory system such as: heart, as the blood pumping. Blood vessels, as the flow of blood. Nervous system, as a regulator of blood vessel diameter, so that blood can flow more easily and the blood itself as a means of transportation of various substances in the body.

Because there are 4 parts of the body which is very influential in the circulatory system, the disruption in one or more of the four organ can disrupt the entire circulatory system. Disorders that may arise include:
  • At the heart: heart valve disorders, heart failure, etc.
  • In the blood vessels: varicose veins, atherosclerosis, etc.
  • In the nervous system: stress, insomnia, etc.
  • In the blood: anemia, thalassemia, thrombus / embolus, leukemia, etc.

We must begin to suspect when we are already feeling mild symptoms, such as headaches, hands and feet often feel cold, frequent cramps, stiff muscles, body feels weak, buzzing ears, wounds difficult to heal, memory loss. These symptoms if left unchecked, can cause effects more severe and dangerous, such as hypertension, stroke, kidney failure, complications of diabetes, impotence, heart attacks and even death.

The best way to keep the blood circulation in our body remains smooth is to adopt a healthy lifestyle: reduce consumption of fat and cholesterol, increasing fiber intake, regular exercise, reducing stress, and taking natural supplements that can help improve blood circulation.

Tips For Improving Blood Circulation

Hot and Cold Treatments
Hot and cold showers or hydrotherapy is a good way to enhance or improve circulation. When you put the affected area under a hot shower, blood gushes into the skin and feeds it. An instant cold shower would make the blood rush to the internal organs. The shivering of the body is an indication that blood is flushing out to the skin and leaving it oxygenated. This hot and cold water treatment should be undertaken regularly, for optimum results. Make sure that water is not boiling hot, else it may cause burns.

The herb Cayenne is known to stimulate the heart, regulate the blood flow and strengthen the arteries and capillaries. Intake of the herb would not only mean an enhanced blood circulation, strengthened heart and clear arteries, but would also assist in weight loss. This is because intake of cayenne tincture raises about 25% of a persons metabolic rate.

Most of us indulge in bad breathing habits, which involve using a small fraction of the lungs. For improving blood circulation, the best bet would be to carry out deep breathing techniques, which would ensure the use of lungs to their full efficiency. This would not only assist in getting more oxygen into the blood, but also remove waste products and help speed up the circulation of the blood.

Avoid Stress
Stress is one of the leading causes of bad circulation. This is mainly because when a person is stressed out, circulation gets limited to the major organs, leaving all the extremities. Hands and feet are the worst affected zones. So, the best way to ensure better circulation would be to avoid stress. Introducing deep breathing techniques and meditation practices in the daily regimen is sure to have beneficiary effects on the blood circulation.

Elevate Feet
Another effective way to improve circulation would be to raise the feet for a short period, say by lying down on the bed and placing a pillow underneath the feet. This would help get the circulation moving through the feet. For the process, you need to lie on the ground, placing your legs on a chair or a sofa. This would cause blood to drain away from each foot.

The most definite way to raise blood circulation would be by undertaking physical activities. Most of the people, today, have a sedentary lifestyle, devoid of any physical activity. Regular exercising, walking, swimming and running would give a boost to the blood flow in your entire body. However, make sure to start with a steady walk, increasing the pace and duration of the walk with time.

Proper Diet
Diet plays a crucial role in boosting blood circulation. A healthy diet intake would ensure reduced fat intake and thus increase the blood flow. Less fat makes the blood less vicious, making it easy for the blood to enter small vessels. Increasing fiber in the diet will also help remove fat from your system and improve the circulation even more.

Food For Smooth Blood Circulation

Here are 18 foods that are beneficial to accelerate blood circulation in the arteries:
1. Avocado
A study conducted in 1996 by researchers in Mexico found that people who ate avocados every day for a week can decrease the level of cholesterol in the blood by 17 percent. Besides being able to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, avocados can also meningkatlkan good cholesterol (HDL).

2. Whole wheat
Insoluble fiber is found in grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal that can bind cholesterol in your food and take it out of the body. So, when your body needs the benefits of cholesterol, the body will draw cholesterol out of the blood supply, effectively lower blood cholesterol levels and heart disease risk.

3. Olive oil
A 2011 study found that people age 65 or older who regularly consume olive oil for cooking to avoid the risk of stroke by up to 41 percent lower than those who did not consume olive oil at all.

4. Nuts
Nuts are a heart-healthy snack. Almonds contains monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, and fiber, while walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-vegetable linolenic acid. According to the American Heart Association, monounsaturated fats can help lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Fatty fish salmon
Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon are full of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating fish twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation, lower triglyceride levels, and help increase your HDL levels.

6. Asparagus
Asparagus is one of the best types of food to the artery. Asparagus works in 100,000 miles of blood vessels and release pressure on the arteries, allowing the body to accommodate the inflammation that has accumulated over the years.

7. Pomegranate fruit
Pomegranate contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of blood vessels from damage. A 2005 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that can stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body, improving blood flow in the arteries.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for bone formation and helps to keep calcium does not damage the arteries. Not to mention, broccoli is full of fiber, and research shows a diet high in fiber can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

9. Turmeric
Turmeric is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Turmeric contains curcumin also lowers inflammation leading cause arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. A study in 2009 found that curcumin can help reduce excess fat in the arteries as much as 26 percent.

10. Persimmon
Eating persimmon fruit every day is a better way for arterial health. Research suggests polyphenols found in persimmon can help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

11. Orange juice
A 2011 study published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking two cups of orange juice a day can help reduce diastolic blood pressure. Orange juice contains antioxidants to help improve blood vessel function.

12. Spirulina algae
A total of 4500 mg of blue-green algae that is usually taken in capsule form or powder supplements, can help relax artery walls and normalize blood pressure. It can also help to balance blood levels of your heart, lower your LDL cholesterol fat by 10 percent and increased HDL cholesterol by 15 percent.

13. Cinnamon
Just one teaspoon of cinnamon a day rich in antioxidants may help reduce fat in the bloodstream, helping to prevent the development of plaque in the arteries and reduce levels of bad cholesterol by 26 percent.

14. Coffee
According to researchers in the Netherlands, people who drank more than two glass of coffee, but not more than four cups of coffee a day for 13 years had a risk of heart disease about 20 percent lower than those who drank more than two cups or less. Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. But if the consumption of too much coffee, can cause irregular heart beats.

15. Cheese
Believe it or not, the cheese can help lower your blood pressure. A recent study at the Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that people who ate three servings of low-fat cheese milk a day had systolic blood pressure lower than that to eat less.

16. Green tea
Green tea is rich in catechins, compounds that have been shown to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your body.

17. Watermelon
Watermelon can also help protect your heart. A study at Florida State University found that people were given 4000 mg of supplemental L-citrulline (an amino acid found in watermelon) decreased blood pressure in just six weeks. The researchers say that the amino acids in watermelon can help your body produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels.

18. Spinach
Potassium and folate, which is found in spinach can help lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of heart disease by 11 percent.

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

Rich Fiber Foods Slimming and Improve Health

Seven Rich Fiber Foods

The World Health Organization set to 25 grams the minimum amount of fiber that every person should consume daily. Foods rich in fiber have a number of properties essential for the proper functioning of the body, such as improving hydration, regulate bowel movements or burn excess fat. It is also recommended for people who do some type of weight loss program because it prolongs the feeling of satiety.

Several studies have shown that consumption prevents various diseases, among type two diabetes, obesity, certain types of cancer or coronary diseases. However, the daily intake of foods rich in fiber is still far from achieving the minimum recommended amounts for most people, as shown by various studies and reports. The last one is the one published by Nutrient Health 2012, which studied the eating habits and the interaction between nutrition and health. According to their results, only 22% of men and 12% of women reach the recommended amount, set at 25 grams per day.

Rich Fiber Foods Slimming and Improve Health

The differences in fiber intake do not occur only between men and women, as the older and income closer we get to the recommended amounts, according to the report. In the case of obese or overweight persons its intake is also below the average.

The food groups that contain more fiber are vegetables (21%), bread and biscuits (18%) and fruit (16%). In order to achieve fiber daily amounts recommended by WHO propose a list of foods most suitable for this purpose. Before, we must take into account that the fiber must always be a food supplement because it is not a nutrient, and not directly concerned in essential metabolic processes of the body, but its importance is that plays a very important physiological function for our body.

Fiber in Breads and pastries
The unrefined flour breads are those that contribute more fiber to the human diet. By contrast, white breads, refined flours, are those that provide a lesser amount, reaching a mere 3%, while the bread can have between three and four times more fiber (about 5.6 grams per 100). Intake 100 grams of biscuits will provide about 9.2 grams of fiber. The pasta made with wheat and rice 3.7 2 grams. Of the breads, the most avoided by nutritionists is refined white flour bread, refined flour argue that possess such a degree of development that much of the properties of fiber and minerals that are lost in the refining process.

Fiber in Cereals
Grains contain starch which is the main component of human food. The seed is surrounded by a shell composed primarily of cellulose, which is the major component of dietary fiber. This food can provide an average of 45 grams of fiber per 100. Popcorn contains about 15 grams of fiber per 100.

Fiber in Vegetables
The complex carbohydrate in vegetables, such as cellulose, makes them a rich source of dietary fiber. They have between 11 and 25% fiber, together with cereals being the main source of this. Lentils, peas and beans help fight cholesterol.

Fiber in Fruit
About 2% of the fruit is dietary fiber. The components of the plant fiber that we can find in them are mainly pectin’s and hemicelluloses. The skin of the fruit is the one with the highest absorption of fiber, but also where we can find several traces of contaminants such as pesticides, which are difficult to remove except with peeling the fruit. The coconut owns 10% fiber, 6.1% raspberries and figs between eight and ten percent.

Fiber in Nuts
Its high fiber intake and produces a rapid transit of food through the intestinal tract. It is shown that a diet rich in nuts prevents constipation and intestinal diseases. The fibers mission is delaying the absorption of sugar, which allows you the energy boost and longer without being converted into fat. The most recommended are almonds (12% fiber), followed by nuts (9%).

The vegetables are essential in the second level of the pyramid of food. In addition to providing carbohydrates, micro nutrients provide slow absorption and dietary fiber. Vegetables should be taken five to six servings of vegetables in a day. Avocados or artichokes are between five and six percent of fiber, while tomato 3%.

Spices with Fiber
They are basic to maintain a balanced diet, as well as serving as flavor enhancers. Cinnamon contains 53% fiber and rosemary and oregano 43%.


Miracle Cure For Anything That Ails You Is As Close
As Your Supermarket Shelves - By Susan Jimison






Eat plenty of fish - fish oil helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.

Hay Fever


Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season



Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea.



Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

How youll Adjust Your Life with Diabetes

How youll Adjust Your Life with Diabetes

A lot of individuals with unwellness simply cannot appear to just accept the actual fact that they need the disease. once doctors initial tell those who area unit diabetic most of them are overpowered and feel as if they fully lost management of their lives. this is often perceivable as unwellness may be a terribly serious disease that has many complications wherever a number of which may be life threatening. Living with polygenic disorder isnt simple. But, there are ways where youll be able to properly manage the disease, which can also allow you reside a standard life.

If youre diagnosed with polygenic disorder, the foremost vital issue that you simply ought to do is to urge all the way down to the fundamentals. For starters, raise your doctor to write directions down on however and once to take your medications. youll additionally need to raise them however typically you ought to check your glucose level with the glucose meter device.

It will additionally assist you out throughout the primary few weeks if you request facilitate from your doc and a nutritionist or a specialiser once it involves designing your meals. theyre going to additionally offer you recommendation on a way to set up your own meals and additionally tell you what foods that you simply ought to regulate, and what foods that you simply ought to eat many.

With a written menu, youll be able to relieve plenty of stress when the initial number of weeks of identification.

You also ought to perceive additional concerning what you cant eat, and therefore the quantity of food that you simply will and cant exceed. This way, youll have a additional full information concerning designing meals. A nutrition knowledgeable are able to assist you create a healthy diet and additionally teach you ways to follow your diet effectively and simply.

If you wish to turn, youll realize that your specialiser are able to assist you out once it involves designing meals which will permit you to turn while not compromising your overall well-being.

After you get the suspend of the fundamentals, like consumption in keeping with your diet set up, checking your glucose level, taking your medications, and doing exercise, consecutive step is to continue educating yourself concerning the malady. Check for seminars and categories that concerned polygenic disorder management and care. Here, youll be able to find out how to require care of yourself and the way youll be able to forestall complications brought upon by polygenic disorder likewise as a way to affect it.

Adjusting to a diabetic style isnt simple, particularly if you have got fully grown familiar with living the type of life that junction rectifier you to the malady. However, with time and patience, youll shortly fits this sort of style and itll eventually become wont to you. its additionally vital to recollect that if you have got any issues regarding your health, you ought to invariably consult your doctor concerning it. theyre going to be quite useful in providing you with recommendation likewise as serving to you address the malady.

Living with polygenic disorder isnt simple. But, with correct management and discipline, youll see that you simply are able to eventually live a life that you simply will contemplate as traditional. bear in mind the following pointers and youll be able to conquer polygenic disorder.

LOVE is in the hAIR!

When is the last time you showed your hair some love?

Whether you are fighting dry hair during the winter months, or frizz during the summer, it is always good to reevaluate your beauty regimen to make sure you are giving your hair everything it needs to be thick, healthy and beautiful all year ‘round. 

In honor of Valentines Day, here are four easy ways to show your hair a little extra TLC. 
  • Feed Your Hungry Hair – It may seem unrelated, but what you eat, or don’t eat, has a huge impact on the health of our hair. A diet rich in whole foods, especially protein, is essential to achieving and maintaining healthy hair, while on the flipside, caloric, iron and protein deficiencies are among the most common nutritional triggers for unhealthy hair and hair loss. So if you want to show your hair you care, put down the box of chocolates and replace it with one of the many, healthy hair foods, like salmon, which is loaded with omega-3 fatty acid, dark green vegetables for vitamins A and C, and nuts, which are a terrific source of zinc, which can prevent hair shedding. 
  • Avoid Over-Styling – Salon perms, Brazilian blowouts, frequent color treatments and even that super hot blow dryer or that flat iron used over and over again at home can degrade the proteins that make up your hair and its protective cuticle. Turn down the heat or say ‘no’ to the compulsive flat ironing in order to protect your hair from thermal damage. Products like Pantene Thermal Protection and Shine Spray can be helpful in decreasing friction and improving shine. Harsh chemicals are another risk to your hair. 
  • Treat Your Scalp – Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp! But unfortunately, too many women forget to give their scalp the attention it needs. Daily shampooing and conditioning may help keep your hair healthy, but sometimes the scalp needs a little specialized attention. Whether your scalp is dry, itchy, flaky, or oily, it is easier than you may think to get a beautiful healthy scalp. Love your scalp like you love the skin of your face, and take care of it the same way. 
  • Give Your Hair a Boost – Sleep habits, smoking, medications, and alcohol consumption can all affect the health of your hair. With so many factors at play with the health of our hair, including our genetic risks and inherited hair qualities, it is good to remember to give your hair a little extra TLC from time to time. For many looking to give their at-risk hair a little boost, “LOVE” is spelled “L-A-S-E-R.” Originally getting the nod from the FDA as a side effect-free way to treat hair loss, low level laser "brushes," "hoods" and "caps" are now being used by more women to simply improve hair quality by helping hair follicles create thicker, fuller, shinier and healthier hair. 
Just remember, your hair can be your crowning glory, or an endless nightmare—it is up to you! Isn’t it time you showed your hair some love