Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

How Smoking Marijuana may Help Women to Fight Nasty Symptoms of Menopause

The Yanghai Tombs near Turpan, Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region, China have recently been excavated to reveal the 2700-year-old grave of a Caucasoid shaman whose accoutrements included a large cache 30 of cannabis, superbly preserved by climatic and burial conditions. A multidisciplinary international team demonstrated through botanical examination, phytochemical investigation, and genetic deoxyribonucleic acid analysis by polymerase chain reaction that this material contained tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of cannabis, its oxidative degradation product, cannabinol, other metabolites, and its synthetic enzyme, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase, as well as a novel genetic variant with two single nucleotide polymorphisms. The cannabis was presumably employed by this culture as a medicinal or psychoactive agent, or an aid to divination. To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent, and contribute to the medical and archaeological record of this pre-Silk Road culture.

Russo EB, Jiang HE, Li X et al. Phytochemical and genetic analyses of ancient cannabis from Central Asia, Journal of Experimental Botany

Yes, the latest discovery is just confirmation of the multiple archaeological findings before that marijuana has potentially been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, fighting a wide range of diseases and health affecting conditions. While it is a proven natural way to prevent multiple psychological and physical illnesses, or improve body resistance in cases, the disease already propagated in the body, it is a reasonable assumption, that marijuana will be quite useful to fight negative symptoms associated with menopause.

Well, seeing positive effects of marijuana on menopausal women is one thing, but getting confirmation and validation from medical professionals is still absolutely necessary to make a statement. While marijuana related research is still limited due to the negative attitude of the Federal Government, many doctors recommend their patients using it (in the States, where Medical marijuana is legalized).


As Dr. Been stated, he is seeing fantastic results with women in their late 40s and 50s who use marijuana to treat their peri-menopause and menopause.  While it helps to relieve multiple symptoms, the best results have been observed in leveraging the mood swings and improving sleep.  

Yes, many people do not consider sleep deprivation a “serious medical illness” and critics of medical marijuana laws in different states often point out that it was intended for seriously ill patients and has been abused. But that is not true. Solid sleep is essential to a good health.  Many of our hormones, to include Human Growth Hormone, are triggered by the sleep wake cycle. This means that when it gets dark and you go to bed the body signals itself to secrete HGH. HGH is responsible for growth and regeneration of tissues.  It is vital to good health.  If we are not sleeping well, we are losing the most important internal support for strong health we need.  In addition, when we are tired, we have less energy to handle the challenges that are inevitable in life. We are more cranky, and we have lower libido (sex drive), which affects the relationships in our lives. Sleep is definitely a commodity and many patients may use cannabis exclusively to help them sleep at night.

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Depression and Mood Swings

Shuman had previously used pot medicinally in 1994, when going through a harrowing divorce. Up to 80 milligrams of Prozac a day, coupled with multiple therapy sessions a week, did not help her get over the sense that she could barely make it through each day.  During one session, she says, "my therapist said, I could lose my license, but I think what would help you more than anything is just smoking a joint. I didnt know how to respond! I said I couldnt do that -- I dont drink, Ive never even smoked a cigarette!"  But after researching medical marijuana and realizing that cannabis had been available in pharmacies until the early 20th century, Shuman acquiesced and tried a joint. At 36 -- after learning to inhale -- Shuman says she found she "finally had some peace."

You afraid to “get high”? No problem. If you get the right strain of cannabis you can certainly reduce the anxiety and mood swings that occur with menopause, while you definitely not have to use too psychoactive strains.  There are some indica strains that affect more your body while almost not impacting your mind and perception. Many people find that they can still function normally even while medicated. But here I would be very-very careful. It is definitely not recommended to drive, operate heavy machinery, or make important life decisions, while under influence.  

If you are going through or in menopause, at least consider marijuana as something, which can improve the quality of your life.  If it doesnt work for you, you can simply NOT USE IT. You will not harm yourself by trying in any way.

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Cannabidiol (CBD) may also increase bone density, which is important as osteoporosis is a major concern for post menopausal women.

The team at the University of Edinburgh has shown that a molecule found naturally in the body, which can be activated by cannabis - called the type 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1) - is key to the development of osteoporosis. It is known that when CB1 comes into contact with cannabis it has an impact on bone regeneration, but until now it was not clear whether the drug had a positive or negative effect. Researchers, funded by the Arthritis Research Campaign, investigated this by studying mice that lacked the CB1 receptor. The scientists then used compounds - similar to those in cannabis - that activated the CB1 receptor.

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Pain Relief

While it was admitted for years that medical marijuana is extremely effective in pain management, there were just few clinical trials, researching the causal relationship. In 2010, the first U.S. clinical trials in more than two decades on the medical benefits of marijuana provided scientific validation for the statement that pot is effective in reducing muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis and pain caused by certain neurological injuries or illnesses. Igor Grant, a psychiatrist who directs the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at the University of California, San Diego, said five studies funded by the state involved volunteers who were randomly given real marijuana or placebos to determine if the herb provided relief not seen from traditional medicines. "There is good evidence now that cannabinoids may be either an adjunct or a first-line treatment," Grant said at a news conference where he presented the findings.  In the 24-page report submitted to the Legislature, Grant said research protocols had been rigorous, with six studies published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed science journals.

In four studies, participants suffering from multiple sclerosis, AIDS or diabetes, along with healthy volunteers injected with a chili pepper substance to induce pain, were randomly assigned to receive cigarettes filled with marijuana. Half had the active ingredient delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, removed. Not every patient who smoked the real marijuana reported improvement. But the percentage of those who did, was comparable to those who said they experienced relief from antidepressants and other medications commonly prescribed for neuropathic pain, the study said.

It was also no surprise when the same year, another study released today by researchers at the University of Montreal concluded as well that smoking marijuana greatly reduces chronic pain.

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Weigh Loss

Some women consider weight gains during and after menopause as the most tragic symptom, lowering their self-esteem. Surprisingly, even here marijuana may play a positive role for menopausal women.

 A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2011 found an intriguing connection between marijuana use and body weight, showing that rates of obesity are lower by roughly a third in people who smoke pot at least three times a week, compared with those who don’t use marijuana at all.

Researchers analyzed data from two large national surveys of the American population, which together included some 52,000 participants. In the first survey, they found that 22% of those who did not smoke marijuana were obese, compared with just 14% of the regular marijuana smokers. The second survey found that 25% of nonsmokers were obese, compared with 17% of regular cannabis users.

The association between pot smoking and lower risk of obesity remained strong even after adjusting for other factors that could influence body fat and health, such as cigarette smoking, age and gender. While the researchers have not found the valid explanation for this fact, the results are quit promising for those who need to fight undesirable weight gains.

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